CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 191813Z APR 23 MID200080912001U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 032/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/APR// SUBJ/GUIDANCE ON SAFEGUARDING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION// RMKS/1. Unauthorized disclosure of classified information presents the potential for significant harm to the security interests of the Department of the Navy (DON) and our Nation. Classified information must be safeguarded using the measures and controls prescribed to protect the information based on the classification level and any applicable handling caveats. Everyone granted access to classified information is personally responsible for protecting classified information. Access to classified information is restricted to personnel that possess security clearance eligibility commensurate with the level of information being accessed, have executed a non-disclosure agreement (Standard Form 312), and have a "need to know". 2. The following reminders are applicable to DON personnel: a. DON personnel should be aware and report concerning behaviors such as a general disregard for security procedures, seeking access to information outside of their "need to know," attempting to access sensitive areas where classified information is stored, discussed, processed, or unusual insistence on working in private, or other concerning behaviors. b. An intentional or unintentional unauthorized disclosure of classified information does not alter the classification or safeguarding requirements for the information according to its classification. c. Classified information, even when it appears in the public domain, remains classified until it is declassified by the appropriate U.S. Government authority. DON personnel will notify their supervisor and/or activity security manager (ASM), whenever they observe classified information within the public information domain as quickly as possible. d. DON personnel will not make any statement or comment that confirms or denies the accuracy of any potentially classified information in the public domain. e. DON personnel will not intentionally access or download any documents with classified markings on unclassified or public websites, using government information systems. If you have already accessed or downloaded such documents on an unclassified network or device, please immediately notify your supervisor and ASM. f. DON personnel will immediately notify their ASM and supervisor whenever they become aware of deliberate compromise of classified information, negligence involving classified information, or other subversive activities. 3. In addition to reporting concerning behavior to your chain of command, you also have the option to make a direct report to the Navy Insider Threat Hub or the Marine Corps Insider Threat Hub. Reports may be made anonymously. E-mail tips: (Navy Insider Threat Hub); (Marine Corps Insider Threat Hub). Web tips: (both hubs). 4. I expect every Sailor, Marine, civilian, and contractor to understand the policies and procedures that safeguard our critical information and to report potential threats. 5. Protecting critical information is our obligation. Although security can be cumbersome and complex, it is essential to our national interests, and the protection of the American people. Thank you for all you do for our great Nation. 6. Released by The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//