CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 211941Z APR 23 MID200080921440U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 033/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/APR// SUBJ/DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY 2023 EARTH DAY// RMKS/1. We are living in a time of unprecedented environmental threats, with multiple crises relating to climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution impacting the health and sustainability of the environment, and posing challenges to our readiness. Tackling these threats will take a whole of government, and whole of society approach built upon partnership. The Department of the Navy (DON) is committed to being an integral partner in these efforts, while advancing our national security priorities. In the spirit of the 2023 Earth Day theme, "Invest in Our Planet, Protect our Future," I want to recognize the progress and achievements that we've made over the past year to help tackle these environmental threats. In particular, I want to highlight efforts to execute Climate Action 2030; invest in environmental stewardship, resilience, and sustainability; and protect and enhance mission capabilities for the future. Last year, the DON released Climate Action 2030, our approach to ensure our force is more capable and resilient in the face of climate change. This strategy, and the commitment it represents, demonstrates very clearly that addressing climate security is fully aligned to our core mission of being the most dominant maritime force. Over the past year, we've developed and are executing projects to improve our energy efficiency, reduce and/or sequester carbon emissions, and improve the environmental resiliency of our installations and ranges. We are focused on installation and operational energy investments to make us better warfighters by extending our range, reducing our refueling requirements, and increasing the energy security of our installations, all while benefiting the environment. We are also working with partners, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers through its Engineering with Nature program, to design and execute projects incorporating nature-based solutions to address sea level rise, flooding, erosion, and other climate change related impacts to our readiness. Achieving a sustainable future requires thoughtful stewardship of resources and the environment. In line with Executive Order 14057, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment (ASN EI&E) was designated as the Department's Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). ASN EI&E has issued two CSO memorandums to highlight key sustainability priorities for the Department to focus on: infrastructure and water resilience. On Earth Day, we are issuing CSO serial three, focused on nature-based resilience, which calls on the Department to work across business lines (e.g., public works, environmental, asset management) to optimize and integrate natural assets into our strategic planning initiatives. Future CSO memos are planned to focus on energy resilience and environmental acquisition. The DON ensures the values of Earth Day are upheld every day through continued dedication to the stewardship of the environment. Clean air, water, and land are essential to the safety and health of our military and civilian personnel, families, and neighboring communities. The DON has a duty to conserve and protect natural and cultural resources on our installations and ranges, both as a public trust responsibility, and because well-managed resources ensure safety, continued access to, and long-term sustainability of our ranges and installations. Conducting training, testing, construction, and other base operating activities in a manner that minimizes impacts to natural and cultural resources both safeguards important species and habitats, and makes the DON a more trusted community partner, enhancing the resiliency of our lands and assets for the future. The recent recovery and delisting from the Endangered Species Act of five species (one bird and four plants) on San Clemente Island after decades of stewardship investments and collaborative conservation efforts between the Navy and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is a testament to the environment as a strategic asset that enables warfighter readiness. This action will improve training opportunities and enhance flexibility for military readiness activities. As outlined in the DON's Earth Day Planning Guide issued last month, Earth Day activities offer a valuable opportunity for commands to come together on- and off-base, to advance and showcase efforts to preserve the environment while achieving the DON mission. To emphasize the importance, Department leadership will be participating in events throughout the country over the next week from Earth Day to Arbor Day to highlight our environmental stewardship. I encourage each of you to participate in efforts on DON installations, at sea, and in your communities to make investments in our planet. Just as the DON's efforts to protect and preserve our operating environment are not limited to a single day, I encourage our Sailors, Marines, civilians, and their families to incorporate efforts into your daily lives to protect our future. As always, I am proud to see the tremendous effort put forth by all members of the DON as you demonstrate our strong commitment to protecting our planet. 2. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//