CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 271511Z APR 23 MID600052984219U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 034/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/APR/ SUBJ/FISCAL YEAR 2024 NAVY RESERVE CAPTAIN LINE SELECTIONS// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/9JAN23// AMPN/REF A IS THE FY-24 NAVY RESERVE CAPTAIN LINE PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD CONVENING ORDER.// RMKS/1. I am pleased to announce the following Line Officers on the Reserve Active-Status list for promotion to the permanent grade of Captain. 2. This message is not authority to deliver appointments. Authority to effect promotion will normally be issued by future NAVADMINs requiring NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of document to PERS-806. 3. Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until specific authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2B. 4. For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each line. The numbers following each name to the right indicate the relative seniority among selectees within each competitive category. Note: An (*) by the name indicates the selectee was merit reordered to the top of the promotion list in accordance with reference (a). Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Unrestricted Line Adler Eric Jonathan 0046 Ashcroft Andrew David 0040 Bass Jonathan B 0021 Breeden Daniel J 0059 Browning Chad A 0017 Cantu Raul R 0039 Clagg Rodney Lee 0062 Conway James B 0042 Degroot Jason F 0011 Dickens George W 0054 Dillard Melissa Gail 0050 Duwel David Kenneth * 0001 Elling Derek David 0028 Endress Matthew F 0034 Essler Joshua David 0057 Evans Carlos J 0065 Fronzo Nicholas V 0051 Gelb Brian Mark 0056 Gilmore Erin Patricia 0038 Hamilton Brandon Wayne 0016 Harvey Nicholas J 0030 Hirko Karen Elizabeth 0032 Hochhaus Andrew C 0023 Keesee Amanda Nicole * 0008 Kezer Brian P 0044 Klingshirn Daniel J 0060 Knippel Joel L 0045 Kolb Matthew Vincent * 0003 Kopinski Ted Stephen 0024 Kramer Paul Kristopher 0064 Kuffel Robert F 0014 Lee Victor Hyo Been 0048 Marunda Richard L 0015 Mccullough Matthew J * 0005 Mcdermott Thomas J 0033 Messner George U III 0026 Mills Michael T 0022 Murgia Justin Michael * 0009 Noel James Peter 0047 Oconnor Daniel Gerald 0049 Oraker Nathan John 0013 Overfield Michael R 0012 Patterson Brian C 0053 Peters Ryan Elliot * 0006 Pricher Bryan Stephen 0010 Rich Joshua Evan 0043 Rohr Matthew Michael 0063 Russell Rory Avery 0018 Russo Kevin Laurence 0036 Shand Kevin Lawson 0037 Sidiropoulos Nikolaos 0020 Skabardis Guy Wilhelm 0061 Steinbarger Shaun M * 0007 Strong Corey Orlanda 0055 Tans Matthew Baker 0041 Thomas Jules R Jr 0031 Topoll Christopher G 0058 Tysk Joseph G 0052 Volcansek Frederick W 0029 Voss Joel Richard * 0002 Watkins Jason Edward 0019 Wehner Matthew Zane 0035 Williams Matthew A 0025 Unrestricted Line (TAR) Argobright Lucas R 0013 Balderson Price Walker 0008 Blankenship Clinton E 0016 Buyske Matthew H 0021 Celentano Borya I * 0003 Collins Justin C 0017 Engel Dustin Daniel 0005 Foster Sean R 0009 Hacker Steven Daniel 0012 Hall Bentley Tyler 0019 Hatch Steven Scott 0006 Healey Stephen M 0011 Hoard Samuel 0020 Jones Daniel Albert 0022 Karp Ethan Howard * 0002 Lemon Christopher K 0010 Rowden Bobby J 0023 Sears Katharine Bready 0018 Seeley Christopher N 0004 Smallwood Lee Michael 0015 Sylvia Andrew Michael 0007 Turse Sarah E * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) Lazzaretti Patrick C 0001 Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) (TAR) Paynter Robert A Jr * 0001 Schimpff Joshua Joel 0003 Winn Todd Christopher 0002 Engineering Duty Officer Benes Stanley John IV 0005 Goldhammer Edward Seth 0002 Gustafson Stephen J 0006 Lamb Holli Karyn 0001 Risik Michael J 0004 Sullivan Michael 0003 Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Engineering) Mcdonnell James P 0003 Walden Ronald Barry 0002 Walker Joseph Edward * 0001 Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) Chuba Donna Marie * 0001 Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) (TAR) Allen Anton B * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) Clampitt Adam Max 0005 Foertsch Sean Thomas 0002 Lopez Christopher Alan 0004 Neeley Grant Wayne 0003 Perez Gustavo * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Strategic Sealift Officer) Cook Christopher Paul * 0001 Doyle Kenneth James 0003 Hobbs Matthew Everett 0002 Special Duty Officer (Foreign Area) Camua Demetrio A III 0002 Fong Arthur Chi * 0001 Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) Hoelscher Loren Curtis 0001 Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare) Chatigny Matthew T * 0001 Gossett Michael James 0002 Lien Kevin Clifford 0003 Special Duty Officer (Information Professional) Gettle Joshua Chad 0003 Stegner William J 0002 Torres Gerardo 0001 Special Duty Officer (Intelligence) Bridges John Jay 0003 Chiodi Jason John 0007 Douglas Frank Colin 0006 Hunter Jason Robert 0004 Knight Matthew Trevor 0002 Miller Grant Joseph * 0001 Nair Sunjay Krishna 0005 Overstreet Mark Holman 0008 Limited Duty Officer (Line) Metzler Ryan Henry * 0001 5. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//