CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 101606Z MAY 23 MID600053003653U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 040/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/MAY/ SUBJ/MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH// RMKS/1. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity to help each other recognize the many ways that behavioral health conditions impact our lives, as well as our individual and team readiness. It is also an opportune time to remind ourselves to advocate for those experiencing life stressors, as well as an opportunity to highlight existing resources and services available to the Navy and Marine Corps team to ensure the delivery of the most appropriate service to meet Service Member needs. Military service can be complex, presenting stressors that are wide-reaching and have readiness impacts to our Sailors, Marines, their families, and our civilian workforce. As you stand the watch on behalf of the American people, I ask you to take time to look out for yourself and those who serve alongside you. I encourage you to reach out to others and focus on fostering social connectedness, particularly those connections that may have been weakened during the pandemic. Social connectedness is integral to our readiness as it not only improves our mental health and well-being but strengthens our immunity and can even increase our longevity. You are never alone and there is no wrong door to get help. We have a full range of mental health resources that include mental health and medical professionals, family counselors, chaplains, and other support services to help you get the right care, at the right level, when you need it. Mental health services are available across the globe at military medical treatment facilities, above, on, and below the sea, and embedded within operational units. We have non-medical mental health resources available through our Fleet and Family Support Centers, Marine Corps Community Services, Military and Family Life Counseling, Deployment Resiliency Counselors, the Psychological Help Outreach Program, Veterans Affairs Vet Centers, and Military OneSource. Our chaplains provide confidential counseling and foster spiritual readiness. Our civilian teammates can access a wide range of services through the Civilian Employee Assistance Program. Share with others when you have positive experiences seeking and receiving counseling. I especially encourage leaders to set this example. We have a duty to remove stigma, and encourage others to make time for their mental health. Your actions can encourage a shipmate to get the help they need. Check in often with your fellow Sailors and Marines. Help them feel more socially connected. Do not wait until you see them struggling. When they need additional support, help them get connected to services that can provide assistance. You can be the difference. Together, we must fight stigma, promote mental health education, and normalize taking care of our mental health. 2. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy. BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//