CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 261400Z JUL 23 MID600053191961U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 058/23 MISGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/JUL // SUBJ/IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION SERVICES ELECTRONIC APPLICATION// REF/A/DEFENSE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY AGENCY (DCSA), FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS NOTICE 23-02, 17 APRIL 2023// REF/B/DOC/SECNAVINST/5510.30C/24 JANUARY 2020// REF/C/DOC/DODM 5105.21 VOLUME 3/19 OCTOBER 2012 INCORPORATING CHANGE 2 EFFECTIVE 14 SEPTEMBER 2020// NARR/REF A IS THE DCSA, FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS NOTICE (FIN) 23-02 FOR COMPLETING AND PROCESSING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIVE FORMS (SF85, AND SF86). REF B IS SECNAVINST 5510.30C, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM. REF C IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION (SCI) ADMINISTRATIVE SECURITY MANUAL: ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONNEL SECURITY, INDUSTRIAL SECURITY, AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES// POC/SANTOMAURO/STEVEN/GS-15/DUSN (I&S)/E-MAIL: DON_SECURITY_PERS(AT)NAVY.MIL /TEL: (703)601-0528// RMKS/1. Effective immediately, the Department of the Navy shall implement the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) Electronic Application (E-APP) for processing background investigations and completing forms SF85 and SF86 in accordance with references (a) through (c). Additionally, NBIS E-APP is the approved method for continuous evaluation (CE) enrollment. To avoid operational impacts, it is imperative for all commands and activities to successfully onboard and transition to E-APP. 2. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, the Chief Of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps will ensure all activity security managers (ASM), activity assistant security managers, special security officers (SSO), and human resource officials in administrative and operational chains of command are equipped and trained to transition to NBIS E-APP by 1 October 2023. 3. The DCSA and the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Intelligence and Security will assist U.S. Navy Echelon I and II and Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) Deputy Commandant for Information Agency Deployment Team (ADT) members in their transition to NBIS to submit investigations through E-APP. Echelon I and II Navy commands and HQMC DCI ASM will use a train-the-trainer approach to onboard subordinate commands to NBIS. Commands are responsible for building their NBIS hierarchy for respective subordinate commands. The ASM will be responsible for onboarding, provisioning, and training command special security officers, human resources professionals, or other personnel requiring access to or using E- APP. Training is located at: 4. Subordinate command E-APP users must submit the following Department of Defense approved training to their respective ADTs before transitioning to NBIS: a. Cyber Awareness. b. Personally Identifiable Information training certificates with a completion date within the last 12 months. 5. In addition, the Personnel Security System Access Request DCSA DD form 2962, Vol 2, Jan 2020, must be maintained by the ADT. Be aware that NBIS hierarchy will have a consolidated collateral and sensitive compartments information Security Management Office (SMO). To help with a clean transition to NBIS, the ASM must in-process personnel attached to the command and associate all personnel with the command's SMO code in NBIS. 6. Commands that have not transitioned to NBIS by 1 October 2023 could experience significant impact to personnel vetting and on-boarding activities. Impacts will likely include the following: a. Inability to on-board individuals. b. Inability to enroll individuals in continuous evaluation. c. Inability to upgrade security clearances. d. Inability to grant interim/temporary access to classified information. e. Inability to process child-care vetting. 7. E-APP contains functionality to directly enroll individuals into CE. The ASM or SSO is no longer required to use the extensible markup language file submission process for CE enrollment and must use the CE enrollment capabilities built into E-APP. 8. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//