CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111742Z OCT 23 MID600053389644U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 080/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/OCT// SUBJ/2023 COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN// REF/A/LTR/DOD MEMO/09AUG23// REF/B/LTR/OPM MEMO/01MAY23// REF/C/DOC/DODI 5035.01/06JUN2017// REF/D/LTR/DOD MEMO/29AUG2017// NARR/REF A IS A DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) MEMO ANNOUNCING THE ANNUAL DOD COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN. REF B IS OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (OPM) MEMO, COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE. REF C IS DOD INST, COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISING WITHIN THE DOD. REF D IS DOD MEMO, NEW CFC RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR FUNDRAISING IN THE FEDERAL WORKPLACE.// RMKS/1. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed an Executive Order authorizing federal employees and members of the uniformed services to support and facilitate fundraising on behalf of voluntary agencies through on-the-job solicitations. Implementation of the Executive Order formed the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), vetting and approving eligible voluntary agencies to participate. This year, CFC celebrates its 62nd anniversary. Since its inception, federal employees and military personnel have donated more than $8.7 billion through the CFC, supporting thousands of worthy causes. 2. References (a) and (b) announced the start of the 2023 annual CFC, which began 1 September 2023 and runs through 13 January 2024. The most important objective of this annual campaign is to ensure federal employees, Sailors, and Marines are aware of the CFC and are given the opportunity to donate to their favorite non-profit charities, regardless of their location. As we press on from the challenges of the past year and meet new challenges in 2024, the Department of the Navy (DON) must remain steadfast in our support to CFC. I encourage DON leadership's commitment to all CFC efforts in and around your installations to maximize the campaign's objectives. Additionally, I expect our leadership to encourage talented, enthusiastic, and energetic personnel to serve in CFC roles, such as loaned executives, keyworkers, coordinators, campaign managers, and as members of the local federal coordinating committee, to ensure another successful campaign season. I firmly believe our Navy-Marine Corps team is able to maintain our readiness, meet operational commitments, and still help others in need. Helping others is integral to our core values. 3. Thanks to the generosity of our DON employees, CFC remains a vital supporter of non-profit organizations within our communities. With your ardent support in 2023, this campaign continues to provide the DON the opportunity to reinforce our legacy of selfless service. The theme for the 2023 CFC is "Give Happy," embodying that the act of giving benefits both the giver and the recipient. 4. References (c) and (d) along with additional information and resources are available through U.S. Office of Personnel Management has awarded contracts to provide marketing and administrative support for the CFC. Installations will be contacted to coordinate training and plan awareness events. Senior leaders and campaign managers at all levels should actively embrace the support, training, and expertise provided by our contractor support. You can direct questions concerning the campaign to Ms. Lisa Brookes, DON Charitable Campaigns Director, at or 703-695-0541. 5. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy. BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//