CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 191742Z OCT 23 MID120000553811U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 085/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/OCT// SUBJ/UPDATE TO DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NUCLEAR WEAPONS PERSONNEL RELIABILITY PROGRAM POLICY// REF/A/DOC/11AUGUST23// REF/B/DOC/27JUNE22// REF/C/DOC/INST/SECNAV/31JULY19// REF/D/DOC/15MARCH19// REF/E/MSG/DIRSSP/021411ZMAY23// REF/F/MSG/DIRSSP/121616ZAUG21// NARR/REFERENCE (A) IS UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR ACQUISITION AND SUSTAINMENT MEMORANDUM, INTERIM GUIDANCE ON PERSONNEL RELIABILITY PROGRAM CERTIFICATION AND SECURITY CLEARANCE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS UNDER TRUSTED WORKFORCE 2.0. REFERENCE (B) IS THE UPDATE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PERSONNEL VETTING PROGRAM ISSUED BY THE OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY. REFERENCE (C) IS SECNAVINST 5510.35D, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NUCLEAR WEAPONS PERSONNEL RELIABILITY PROGRAM. REFERENCE (D) IS DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR NUCLEAR MATTERS MEMORANDUM, "CLARIFICATION OF PERSONNEL RELIABILITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM AND SIGMA PERSONNEL SECURITY PERIODIC REINVESTIGATION TIMELINES. REFERENCE (E) IS DIRECTOR, STRATEGIC SYSTEMS PROGRAMS (DIRSSP) MESSAGE TO UPDATE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NUCLEAR WEAPONS PERSONNEL RELIABILITY PROGRAM POLICY CLARIFICATION FOR PR SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. REFERENCE (F) IS DIRSSP MESSAGE FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NUCLEAR WEAPONS PERSONNEL RELIABILITY PROGRAM (PRP) POLICY CLARIFICATION FOR PR SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND PROPERLY DOCUMENTING CONTINUOUS EVALUATION.// POC/SANTOMAURO/STEVEN/PV/GS-15/EMAIL: DON_SECURITY_PERS@NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This ALNAV provides update to the Department of the Navy (DON) Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program Policy. Reference (a) is interim guidance and is effective immediately within the DON and references (d) through (f) are cancelled. 2. Reference (c) will soon be updated to include the current requirements for Continuous Evaluation (CE) enrollment and to rescind Periodic Reinvestigation (PR) requirements in accordance with references (a) and (b). 3. Reference (b) directs all Department of Defense components to collect Standard Form 86 (SF-86) and signed release pages every 5 years in lieu of submitting PR requests for individuals enrolled in CE. 4. Per reference (a), individuals enrolled in CE are no longer required to submit PR to maintain security clearance eligibility. Instead, individuals enrolled in CE will submit a SF-86, or successor questionnaire, every 5 years from the anniversary of the last background investigation (BI) closed date or last SF-86 signature date, whichever is most recent. These changes nullify the use of PR submissions as criteria for continued PRP certification. Since all individuals in the PRP are required to be enrolled in CE, PR submissions are no longer required for PRP certification. 5. PRP certifying officials will no longer utilize part 1.a. of OPNAV Form 5510/414 to record personnel vetting information. Instead, PRP certifying officials will initial part 1.d. if the individual has the appropriate BI, as verified in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) or its successor system. For PRP certification, the appropriate investigation for controlled PRP billets is a tier 3 or moderate tier investigation and secret eligibility. The appropriate investigation for a critical PRP billet is a tier 5 or high tier investigation and top secret eligibility. In both cases, the BI SF-86 or successor questionnaire must be submitted by all security clearance holders every 5 years from the anniversary of the last BI closed date or the date of signature of the last SF-86 (whichever is most recent). SF-86 signature dates are currently indicated in DISS as "continued enrollment in CE on [date]" that date is authorized to track the 5 year requirement. Other statements in DISS, such as "enrolled in CE on [date]", are not always associated with an SF-86 submission and will not be used to track the 5 year collection requirement. If a PRP certifying official, activity security manager, or special security officer is unable to verify a SF-86 certification date, a new SF-86 will be collected and submitted to defense counterintelligence and security agency in accordance with established personnel vetting (PV) procedures. 6. PRP commands will have up to 60 days (60 days upon return to homeport for deployed units) from the date of this message to make any required corrections to OPNAV Form 5510/414. 7. PRP certifying officials will maintain a copy of this message until reference (c) is updated. This message and all cited references will be made available on the strategic systems program PRP webpage at 8. Questions regarding PRP policy should be submitted to the dedicated PRP email address at (preferred) or All PV and CE questions should be sent to for clarification. 9. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//