CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 051837Z DEC 23 MID600053552465U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 097/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/DEC// SUBJ/2023 SECNAV/CNO/CMC HOLIDAY SAFETY MESSAGE// RMKS/1. As the holiday season approaches, we extend our heartfelt greetings to our dedicated Sailors, Marines, civilians, and families valiantly serving our country across the globe. It's the time of year when families and friends come together, or if separated by distance or events, meet in spirit and affection by exchanging well wishes and gifts. 2. During this holiday season, we encourage each of you to take some time to reflect, recharge, and where possible, spend quality time with your friends, family, and loved ones. Building, renewing, and strengthening these personal relationships increases our resiliency and helps ensure we perform our best as we carry out the Nation's work. 3. While this season is one of joy for many, the holidays can also be a period of hardship and stress. Remind those with whom you serve that we are one family. Take the time to observe and interact with those around you and look for those who might need a friend or a place to visit during the season. Additionally, take advantage of resources such as Fleet and Family Support Centers, Marine and Family Support, command's chaplain, and the Military Crisis Line. The Navy and Marine Corps have programs to support Sailors and Marines with recent suicidal thoughts or attempts. The "Sailor Assistance & Intercept for Life" (SAIL) program in the United States Navy (USN), and Marine Intercept Program for the United States Marine Corps (USMC), are designed to rapidly provide support and maximize outreach during a stressful period. Contact can be made in person or by calling the SAIL (USN) or Community Counseling Program (USMC) program office. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call 988 (press 1) or text "Talk" to the Crisis Line at 741-741. Call from Overseas: In Europe: Call 00800-1273-8255-or DSN 118 In Korea: Call 0808-555-118 or DSN 118 In Japan: Call 098-970-8255 or 098-954-0123 from a Japanese cell phone 4. We also need to keep safety at the forefront of our activities and remind others to celebrate responsibly. The Navy and Marine Corps team continually strives to reduce risk on and off duty. Each year, we see an increase in off -duty mishaps attributable to the rise in motor vehicle mishaps during this time of year due to holiday travel and inclement weather. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, the Department of the Navy experienced some of the highest motor vehicle-related deaths in the past 10 years, losing 70 Sailors and Marines to off-duty motor vehicle accidents, an increase of 11 over FY 2022. Sadly, the increases in motor vehicle deaths mirror national fatal crash rates. Driving during the winter holidays is riskier than any other time of the year. We need each of you to exercise sound judgment and prioritize safety during the holidays. Take deliberate safety measures such as slowing down, responsibly using your cell phone, and buckling your seat belt. These decisions can mean the difference between life and death. For those who ride motorcycles year- round, be aware of the hazards associated with increased hours of darkness, inclement weather, and unpredictable road conditions. Obeying posted traffic signs, including speed limits, driving defensively, watching weather conditions, and applying sound risk management principles to everything we do are all steps our family can take to arrive alive. Please apply these tools and best practices to ensure we all have a safe and happy holiday season. 5. We send our heartfelt gratitude to all of you across the Navy and Marine Corps for your selfless service, sacrifice, and support to our Nation. Your honor, courage, and commitment continue to inspire hope and unity. We are humbled and honored to serve with you. Enjoy the winter holidays and stay safe! 6. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Lisa M. Franchetti, Chief of Naval Operations, and General Christopher J. Mahoney, Acting Commandant of the Marine Corps.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//