CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 201357Z DEC 23 MID600117020158U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 103/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/DEC// SUBJ/OPERATIONS SECURITY AWARENESS MONTH// REF/A/SECNAVINST 3070.2A/09MAY2019// REF/B/DODINST 8170.1/24AUG2021// REF/C/OUSD MEMO/22JUN2021// REF/D/DEPSECDEF MEMO/03AUG2018// REF/E/NAVAL OPSEC SUPPORT TEAM/WEB// REF/F/MARINE CORPS OPSEC SUPPORT TEAM WEB// NARR/REF A IS SECNAVINST 3070.2A, OPSEC POLICY. REF B IS DODINST 8170.1, ONLINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND ELECTRONIC MESSAGING. REF C IS DOD MEMORANDUM, ON INFORMATION AND OPSEC RISKS POSED BY NON- GOVERNMENT WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS. REF D IS DEPSECDEF MEMORANDUM, USE OF GEOLOCATION-CAPABLE DEVICES, APPLICATIONS, AND SERVICES. REF E IS THE NAVAL OPSEC SUPPORT TEAM WEBSITE AT REF F IS THE MARINE CORPS OPSEC SUPPORT TEAM WEBSITE AT HTTPS ://INTELSHARE.INTELINK.GOV/SITES/MCIOC/MOST// RMKS/1. This message announces the Department of the Navy observance of and participation in National Operations Security (OPSEC) Awareness Month during January 2024. OPSEC Awareness Month provides an opportunity to reinforce our commitment to safeguarding critical information, preventing and reporting unauthorized discourses, and ensuring the success of our mission. 2. OPSEC is paramount in preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical and sensitive information. As we observe during this dedicated month, we must renew our awareness and vigilance in protecting sensitive data from potential threats. 3. Commanders and Commanding Officers: a. Use OPSEC Awareness Month as an opportunity to invigorate your command's program and emphasize the importance of OPSEC to your mission. Per reference (a), commanders are required to establish, resource, and maintain an effective OPSEC program. b. Complete required annual training. I encourage you to conduct OPSEC training sessions throughout the month, ensuring that every member of the team understands their role in maintaining operational security. The Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Intelligence and Security will be conducting virtual training on 16 January 2024 at 1400 EST and 17 January 2024 at 1800 EST. Links are provided here: join/19%3adod%3ameeting_3a44ff25c35743c9b3a4c064ef703ca3%40thread.v2/0?contex t=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e3333e00-c877-4b87-b6ad- 45e942de1750%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220a54d5f1-45c1-4423-9eb4-0ecc51ed8a4c%22%7d, join/19%3adod%3ameeting_ba4cce46a7404e008b22d0b4980309fd%40thread.v2/0?contex t=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e3333e00-c877-4b87-b6ad- 45e942de1750%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220a54d5f1-45c1-4423-9eb4-0ecc51ed8a4c%22%7d c. Understand the risk of unauthorized disclosure and use informed judgement when considering administrative use of commercial apps within your organization. Prior to authorizing the use of commercial apps, read and understand the entire terms of service. Per references (b) and (c), official Department of Defense information may not be transmitted via commercial email or apps. d. Per reference (d), when in an operational environment or Combatant Command-designated operating area, conduct a comprehensive, threat-based OPSEC assessment prior to authorizing the use of geolocation capable devices. Ensure all personnel are familiar with the command's Critical Information List (which takes precedence in an operating area) and understand how to protect critical information from unauthorized disclosure. 4. All personnel shall: a. Exercise caution in discussions, both in person and online, to prevent inadvertent disclosure of sensitive details. Unauthorized disclosures include the posting or entering of non-public information on non- government websites or applications. b. Implement proper document handling procedures, including secure storage and destruction methods. c. Be mindful of personal and professional social media use, avoiding the sharing of critical operational information. d. Report suspected unauthorized disclosures to your command OPSEC program manager and chain of command. 5. It is the responsibility of every member to contribute to a culture of OPSEC excellence. By staying vigilant and being proactive, we enhance our collective ability to protect the mission and the safety of our personnel. 6. Let this month serve as a reminder that OPSEC is not a one-time effort but a continuous commitment. Our success relies on the diligence of each Sailor, Marine, civilian, and contractor in safeguarding the information entrusted to us. Your dedication to OPSEC is integral to the success of our operations. Together, we can maintain a secure environment that ensures the accomplishment of our mission objectives and the safety of our Nation. 7. I encourage you to learn more and take advantage of the excellent resources available via the Navy and Marine Corps OPSEC Support Teams (see references (e) and (f)). 8. Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//