UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 051532Z APR 21 MID600050421059U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 073/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC//CNO// CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/APR// SUBJ/NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK UPDATE 7 (CONDITIONS-BASED APPROACH TO COVID-19 PERSONNEL MOVEMENT AND TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS)// REF/A/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/021507ZJUL20// REF/B/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/212043ZOCT20// REF/C/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/122237ZJUN20// REF/D/MEMO/OSD/15MAR2021// REF/E/MEMO/SECNAV/12JUN2020// REF/F/MEMO/SECNAV/21OCT2020// REF/G/OSD/25FEB2020// REF/H/OSD/11JUN2020// REF/I/OSD/29DEC2020// REF/J/OSD/15MAR2021// REF/K/OSD/16MAR2021// REF/L/OSD/17MAR2021// REF/M/OSD/17MAR2021// REF/N/NAVADMIN/160550ZFEB21// REF/O/MEMO/ASN M&RA/26MAR2021// REF/P/MEMO/ASN M&RA/26MAR2021// REF/Q/MEMO/ASN M&RA/29MAR2021// REF/R/MEMO/ASN M&RA/29MAR2021// REF/S/NAVADMIN/291854ZJAN21// REF/T/ALNAV/SECNAV/231933ZMAR20// REF/U/ALNAVRESFOR/COMNAVRESFOR/162051ZAPR20// REF/V/ALNAVRESFOR/COMNAVRESFOR/212022ZMAY20// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 189/20, NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK UPDATE 6. REF B IS IS NAVADMIN 283/20, NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK UPDATE 6 MODIFICATION 1. REF C IS NAVADMIN 169/20, PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION POST STOP MOVEMENT PRIORITY PLAN. REF D IS SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (SECDEF) MEMO ON UPDATE TO CONDITIONS-BASED APPROACH TO CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 PERSONNEL MOVEMENT AND TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS. REF E IS SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (SECNAV) MEMO ON DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY IMPLEMENTATION OF TRANSITION TO CONDITIONS-BASED APPROACH TO CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 PERSONNEL MOVEMENT AND TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS. REF F IS SECNAV MEMO ON DELEGATION OF WAIVER AUTHORITY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS IN RESPONSE TO COVONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019. REF G IS UNDERSECRETARY OF DEFENSE (PERSONNEL AND READINESS (USD(PR)) FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE (FHPG) (SUPPLEMENT 2). REF H IS USD(PR) FHPG (SUPPLEMENT 11). REF I IS USD(PR) FHPG (SUPPLEMENT 14). REF J IS USD(PR) FHPG (SUPPLEMENT 15) REVISION 1. REF K IS USD(PR) FHPG (SUPPLEMENT 16). REF L IS USD(PR) FHPG (SUPPLEMENT 17). REF M IS USD(PR) FHPG (SUPPLEMENT 18). REF N IS NAVADMIN 037/21, U.S. NAVY COVID-19 STANDARDIZED OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE VERSION 4.0. REF O IS ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (MANPOWER AND RESERVE AFFAIRS) (ASN(M&RA)) MEMO ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE GUIDANCE FOR CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 LABORATORY SERVICES. REF P IS ASN(M&RA) MEMO ON DEPARMTENT OF NAVY GUIDANCE FOR DEPLOYMENT AND REDEPLOYMENT OF INDIVIDUALS AND UNITS DURING THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 PANDEMIC. REF Q IS ASN(M&RA) MEMO ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE GUIDANCE FOR THE USE OF MASKS, PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, AND NON-PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTIONS DURING THE CORONAVIRS DISEASE 2019 PANDEMIC. REF R IS ASN(M&RA) MEMO ON DEPARTMENT OF NAVY GUIDANCE FOR PROTECTING ALL PERSONNEL IN DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WORKPLACES DURING THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 PANDEMIC. REF S IS NAVADMIN 026/21, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE COVID-19 TESTING PRIOR TO OVERSEAS TRAVEL (UPDATE 1). REF T IS ALNAV 029/20, STATE AND LOCAL SHELTER-IN-PLACE ORDERS IMPACT ON DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OPERATIONS. REF U IS ALNAVRESFOR 011/20, NAVY RESERVE FORCE POLICY UPDATE FOR COVID-19. REF V IS ALNAVRESFOR 012/20, NAVY RESERVE POLICY FOR COVID-19 UPDATE 2.// POC/CAPT JAMES GRIMES/OPNAV N1/703-604- 5043/JAMES.GRIMES(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. The Navy continues to utilize a conditions-based approach to personnel movement and travel to mitigate the risks associated with the coronavirus pandemic. This NAVADMIN cancels references (a) through (c), and in line with references (d) and (e) reissues guidance for a conditions-based approach to coronavirus disease 2019 personnel movement and travel. Notably, the conditions to resume unrestricted travel now rest on installation-level data regarding surrounding Department of Defense (DoD) installation, facilities and locations. To assist in identifying changes to policy and procedures, paragraphs in this NAVADMIN that include changes to the intent of previous content have [MOD] at the beginning. Delegations authorized in references (e) and (f) remain in effect. This NAVADMIN further delegates approval authority to the O-6 or GS-15 equivalent level for uncontested Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel waivers. All commands shall continue to take specific actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 worldwide and Department of the Navy (DON) Service Members will adhere to current and subsequent Force Health Protection Guidance (FHPG), references (g) through (m) and Navy guidance provided in references (n) through (r). Immunized individuals are not required to perform Restriction of Movement (ROM) before, during or after travel within the United States unless directed, but must maintain Health Protection Measures in accordance with (IAW) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance. Individuals traveling to, from or through a foreign country should comply with ROM guidance in reference (i). *ROM* and *immunized* are both defined within reference (n). For authorized travel, it is the Service Members responsibility to ensure compliance with country, state and local COVID-19 requirements to include COVID-19 testing as described in references (i) and (s). This NAVADMIN does not cancel or supersede Combatant Commander (CCDR) guidance for forces assigned or allocated to that Combatant Command (CCMD) or within that CCMD Area of Responsibility (AOR). 1.A. This guidance applies to all DON Service Members and their dependents whose travel is Government-funded, both internationally and domestically. 1.B. Except as provided below in paragraph 3.C. (exemptions), this travel guidance applies to all official travel, including temporary duty (TDY) travel; Government-funded leave travel; permanent duty travel, including permanent change of station (PCS) travel; and travel related to Authorized Departures (AD) and Ordered Departures (OD) issued by the Department of State (DOS). 1.C. Reference (n) contains authoritative guidance for all personnel and units deploying to and from homeport (originating unit location for reserve personnel). 2. [MOD] Conditions-based Approach to Unrestricted Travel. 2.A. [MOD] Conditions for unrestricted travel rest on installation-level data regarding conditions in and surrounding DoD installations, facilities and locations. 2.B. As delegated to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) by references (e) and (f) and further delegated by this NAVADMIN, the applicable Navy Component Commander (NCC), as well as other military departments, CCDRs and the Director of Administration and Management (DA and M) for non-Navy installations, will continuously assess each DoD installation, facility or location under their purview for the feasibility of lifting travel restrictions. There are four factors that will be reported in order to make this assessment: (1) removal of local travel restrictions (Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC Lead)), (2) availability of essential services (e.g., schools, childcare, moving services) (CNIC Lead), (3) quality control/assurance capability for household goods packing and moving (Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Lead) reporting to CNIC for inclusion in weekly report as described below) and (4) favorable Health Protection Condition (HPCON) (below HPCON C) (CNIC Lead). Assessments of the criteria will include consultation with the other Services who have installations in the local surrounding area and will take into account the areas where installation personnel reside. Specifically, installations/facilities within a 50-mile commuting distance will coordinate their assessments and plans. Any Navy installation, facility or location that meets all of the criteria above, as reported by CNIC, will be assessed by the applicable NCC to determine unrestricted travel to or from these locations. The above criteria and whether or not an installation is restricted for travel will then be reported by CNIC to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(PR)), Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy (DASD (MPP))(with an information copy to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (ASN (M and RA)) staff on a weekly basis (via the Navy Operations Center (NOC)), using a pre-formatted spreadsheet provided by DASD (MPP). 2.C. Advana is the primary platform the USD(PR) will be using to track implementation of a conditions-based approach to personnel movement and travel. An extract of the Advana information required for implementation of this NAVADMIN is displayed for Navy use via MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/don-covid-19-travel- tracker. 3. Personnel Movement and Travel. 3.A. [MOD] Unrestricted travel may resume between installations when both the gaining and losing installations have met the assessment criteria described in paragraph 2.B. and either the DA and M, applicable NCC (as detailed above) or the CCDRs have lifted travel restrictions for an installation. A location is considered *green* when travel restrictions are lifted. The status of travel restrictions will be posted weekly on MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/don-covid-19-travel-tracker and at https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Spotlight/Coronavirus/. 3.B. [MOD] Considerations for Unrestricted Travel. Though travel may be approved as unrestricted based on the gaining and losing locations both reflected as *green* (i.e. Travel Restrictions Lifted), risk of COVID-19 exposure may still exist during transit. COs and OICs shall review travel plans with Service Members to ensure appropriate force health protection measures are implemented, including ROM if warranted. Gaining COs (including for intermediate stops (I-stops)) shall evaluate the manner and location of travel for incoming Sailors and their immunization status to determine the necessity of ROM for each individual. Coordination among the losing command, training command en route (if applicable) and gaining command is required to determine if ROM requirements are necessary. Commands and individual Service Members shall remain vigilant and implement reasonable measures to reduce risk of exposure and infection where appropriate. 3.B.1. PCS. At least 30 days prior to Service Members executing PCS orders, the losing command shall check the status of losing and gaining locations in MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/don-covid-19- travel-tracker. If both gaining and losing locations are *green*, no waiver is required and normal PCS procedures apply. If either gaining or losing locations are not *green*, then the procedures in paragraph 4 apply and the losing command should contact the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Career Management Pillar Branch (PERS-4) Placement Officer or Placement Coordinator to determine whether an orders modification (ORDMOD) or waiver is more appropriate. 3.B.2. Other Official Travel (Meetings, Conferences, Site Visits, etc.). Prior to issuing a set of temporary duty (TDY) orders, COs or OICs shall review MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/don-covid-19- travel-tracker. If both the gaining and losing locations are *green*, no waiver is required and normal TDY procedures apply. If either the gaining or losing locations are not *green*, then the procedures in paragraph 4 apply. 3.B.3. Travel for Official Training. COs or OICs (for training not associated with a set of PCS orders) or Training Command COs or OICs (for training associated with a set of PCS orders) shall check the status of a training location, I-stop or ultimate duty location via MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/don-covid-19-travel-tracker before allowing a Navy Service Member to execute travel. If the gaining, I-stop (if applicable), and losing locations are *green*, no waiver is required and normal TDY or PCS procedures apply. If either the gaining, I-stop or losing locations are not *green*, then the procedures in paragraph 4 apply. 3.B.4. Locations not reflected on MyNavy Portal. For PCS or TDY considered in paragraphs 3.B.1. through 3.B.3., if a location is not listed in the DON COVID-19 Travel Tracker on MyNavy Portal, the decision to allow unrestricted travel should be made based on the status of the closest DoD installation, facility or location. 3.B.5. Changes in Status. As assessments are made weekly, a change in status may occur prior to travel. If a Service Member was approved for travel and either one or both locations then turn *red* (i.e. travel restrictions in place) prior to departure/return, travel would then require a waiver (in line with paragraph 4.D.) or ORDMOD for PCS travel. For PCS travel, the losing command should contact the PERS-4 Placement Officer or Placement Coordinator to determine whether a waiver or ORDMOD is more appropriate. 3.C. Exemptions. The following circumstances are exempt from travel restrictions per reference (d): 3.C.1. Travel associated with uniformed personnel recruiting and accessions activities, to include accessions, basic training, advanced military individual training and follow-on travel to the first duty station. 3.C.2. Travel by patients (to include those on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL)), as well as their authorized escorts and attendants, for purposes of medical treatment. Travel by medical providers for the purposes of medical treatment for DoD personnel and their families is also authorized. 3.C.3. Travel for Global Force Management (GFM) activities (defined as deployments/redeployments ordered in the GFM Allocation Plan (GFMAP) and CCMD Assigned Force Demand Tasking, including Service internal rotations to support and TDY used to source ordered capabilities). Such travel to execute Operations, Activities and Investments or Service-related training will be coordinated between the CCDR, the Joint Staff (JS) and the appropriate military department. All GFM-scheduled deployments/redeployments of U.S. Navy vessels and embarked units and personnel are authorized, provided they have met the ROM guidance set forth in references (n) and any applicable subsequent guidance. 3.C.4. Travel authorized by the Commander, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), to continue execution of the Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise as required to project and sustain the Joint Force globally. This includes forces (aircrews, vessel crews and mission essential personnel) ordered on prepare-to-deploy orders alert status, air refueling, global patient movement, mortuary affairs support, inland surface, sea and air sustainment missions, support to other U.S. Agencies (as approved by the Secretary of Defense (SecDef)) and moves of personnel and equipment that support USTRANSCOM global posture requirements. 3.C.5. Travel by military personnel pending retirement or separation. Specific to Navy Service Members, travel is authorized to take terminal leave. 3.C.6. Travel by those under authority of a Chief of Mission and authorized by that Chief of Mission. Travel from locations where the DoS has issued an OD, and return travel from safe havens when the DoS has terminated an OD or AD. 3.C.7. Travel to and from Professional Military Education Programs (defined by Navy as in-resident graduate education including in-resident Joint Professional Military Education (JPME)). 3.C.8. Personal leave and liberty travel outside of the local area is exempt from COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Approval authority for leave outside of the local area will be determined by the echelon 2 commander, but may be delegated by the echelon 2 commander to no lower than the unit CO, OIC or equivalent (Branch Head, Division Director, etc.). 3.C.8.a. [MOD] Commanders and supervisors will follow the procedures in reference (i) to include conducting a risk assessment of the health status and travel itinerary for Navy Service Members requesting leave or liberty outside the local area. Navy Service Members will comply with any DoD, component, federal, state and local restrictions while in a leave/liberty status. The DoD COVID-19 Travel Information App (https://covid-status.data.mil) provides useful tools to assist with making risk informed decisions on approving leave and implementing the appropriate mitigation measures when individuals return from leave. 4. [MOD] Restricted Travel Policy. This portion of the NAVADMIN applies to areas where travel restrictions are in place (i.e. *red*). All personnel should follow federal, state and local (including host nation) direction, as well as direction from their chain of command, including observing *Stay at Home* orders if in effect, maximizing telework based on mission priorities and practicing social distancing. Reference (t) provides additional guidance on exemption from state and local executive orders if necessary to ensure continuity of critical functions. Do not restrict mission essential travel by immunized individuals unless unusual conditions call for immunized travel to be restricted (e.g. close contact with a COVID positive greater than 3 months after immunization). 4.A. PCS 4.A.1. Execution of PCS orders from or to locations where travel is restricted requires a waiver IAW paragraph 4.D. 4.A.2. A local PCS move may be executed without a waiver since it does not involve travel outside of the local area. Same geographic location PCS moves will only be executed with due regard to the operational readiness of the commands involved. Losing and gaining commands are encouraged to coordinate with placement coordinators and detailers in PERS-4 as required. PERS-4 shall adjudicate same geographic location PCS move decisions in situations where losing and gaining commands do not agree on an execution timeline. This adjudication may be delegated, but no lower than the O-6 Division Director level at PERS-4. 4.B. Other Official Travel (Meetings, Conferences, Site Visits, etc.). All other official travel by Navy Service Members from or to an area where travel is restricted will require a waiver IAW paragraph 4.D. Navy Reserve personnel will follow guidance promulgated by the Chief of Navy Reserve (CNR) in references (u) and (v). 4.C. Travel for Official Training. 4.C.1. Navy Service Members traveling to attend formal training from or to an area where travel is restricted will require a waiver IAW paragraph 4.D. Advance coordination with the training command is required prior to travel. Service Members will comply with reference (n) and any NCC guidance concerning pre- and post- travel medical screening and reception procedures, to include ROM if applicable. 4.C.2. [MOD] Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) Learning Centers will continue to support Fleet mission-essential training to the maximum extent possible while minimizing risk to force and balancing risk to mission, strictly abiding by CDC, DoD and Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) guidance in the classroom/trainer environment. For all accession level courses, ROM shall be required before commencing training unless students are immunized or arrive via bubble-to-bubble/protected travel. For all other courses, ROM will not be required for immunized personnel. For others not immunized, ROM will be at the discretion of the schoolhouse COs based on risk to force. Fleet units shall coordinate ROM requirements, if required, with the schoolhouse before permitting student travel. Type Commanders (TYCOMS) should validate each individual training requirements mission-essentiality in light of the risk to force, and then coordinate with NETC to implement risk mitigations (i.e., reduced throughput, extra course convenings, ROM, etc.). 4.D. Travel Restriction Waivers. Waivers to travel restrictions may be granted in writing in cases where the travel is: 1) Determined to be mission-essential, 2) Necessary for humanitarian reasons or 3) Warranted due to extreme hardship. These waivers are to be executed on a case-by-case basis, must be determined to be in the best interest of the U.S. Government and shall be coordinated between the gaining and losing organizations. Mission-essential travel refers to work that must be performed to ensure the continued operations of mission-essential functions, including positions that are deemed key and essential, as determined by the responsible DoD Component. 4.D.1. Commands shall maintain a record of all travel waivers granted. Waivers granted prior to the date time group of this NAVADMIN under references (a) and (b) are still valid. 4.D.2. COs and OICs may request a waiver via their chain of command to paragraphs 4.A. through 4.C. Approval authority for waivers belongs to the CCDR if the individual is assigned or allocated to a CCMD, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) if the individual is assigned to the JS, the DA and M for personnel in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Defense Agencies, DoD Field Activities (and any other DoD entities not listed in this paragraph) and finally to the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) for personnel under his jurisdiction. In line with reference (e) and modified by reference (f), SECNAV has delegated this authority to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and this NAVADMIN delegates waiver approval as follows: 4.D.2.a. [MOD] PCS travel waiver requests shall be submitted for all Service Members with written orders if either gaining or losing command have travel restrictions in place (i.e. *red*). Gaining and losing commands will endorse concurrence or non- concurrence. If both the gaining and losing command concur with the waiver (i.e. waiver is uncontested), the gaining command, at a level no lower than O-6 or civilian equivalent, is delegated the authority to approve travel waivers for Navy Service Member PCS travel in paragraphs 4.A. and 4.C (training associated with PCS orders). Approval authority is responsible for submitting the approved waiver to PERS-4 for tracking purposes and notifying the losing command. All contested waivers will be adjudicated by PERS-4. Approvals or disapprovals of contested waiver requests shall be made via message traffic to all concerned and will specify whether dependents are authorized to accompany the Navy Service Member. All approved waivers and contested waiver requests shall be submitted to pers451(at)navy.mil with the subject line PCS WAIVER APPROVAL or PCS WAIVER REQUEST as applicable. Waiver request formats are posted on MyNavy Portal. Navy Service Members who are granted a waiver should review the latest version of COVID-19 Standard Operational Guidance and FHPGs. 4.D.2.b. Authority to approve or deny travel waivers for Navy Service Members in the case of: (1) official travel in paragraph 4.B., and (2) official training, not associated with a PCS, in paragraph 4.C. is delegated to the echelon 2 commander. The echelon 2 commander may further delegate waiver authority, but no lower than the first O-6 or a civilian equivalent in the chain of command of the Service Member. Those who are granted a waiver will comply with the NCC guidance concerning pre- and post- travel screening and reception procedures. 5. Points of Contact. 5.A. Sailor Support. Service Members with questions regarding this NAVADMIN should contact the MyNavy Career Center (1-833-330- 6622) or e-mail askmncc(at)navy.mil. 5.B. Medical Questions. BUMED Watch: 703-681-1087/1125 or NIPR e-mail: usn.ncr.bumedfchva.list.bumed---2019-ncov-response- cell(at)mail.mil. 6. Additional Resources: 6.A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus Guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html 6.B. DoD Coronavirus Guidance: https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Spotlight/Coronavirus/Latest-DOD- Guidance/ 6.C. U.S. Navy COVID-19 Updates: https://www.navy.mil/US-Navy- COVID-19- Updates/ 7. This conditions-based approach prioritizes the health and safety of our personnel, their families and our communities, while balancing mission requirements, the need to advance Navy Service Member career opportunities and other imperatives. COs and OICs must continuously review current HPCON, FHPG supplements and Service Member immunization status when making risk informed decisions such as holding in-person conferences or determining the maximum size of gatherings. It is incumbent upon COs and OICs to balance risk to mission and risk to force to ensure we, as a Navy, can continue to meet our mission while simultaneously preventing the spread of COVID-19 within the Navy and the communities we live in to the greatest extent possible. 8. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//