UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 161817Z JUN 21 MID200000938003U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 129/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM UPDATE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 (CY2021) PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/271724ZJAN21// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/071628ZJUL20// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/051654ZSEP17// REF/D/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVMILPERSCOM/08NOV18// REF/F/DOC/BUPERS/06DEC19// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 024/21, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES CY2021 CYCLE, PLANK AND ROWER MODALITIES. REF B IS NAVADMIN 193/20, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM UPDATE FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT CYCLE TWO 2020 DUE TO COVID 19 MITIGATION. REF C IS NAVADMIN 141/17, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES. REF D IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1050-415, PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM. REF F IS BUPERSINST 1610.10E CH-1, NAVY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN updates policy in references (a) through (d) and is intended to provide tools and guidance for the safe execution of a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) as we emerge from the restricted Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) environment. This NAVADMIN specifically: a. Provides a plan to conduct the Calendar Year 2021 (CY2021) PFA (1 July to 31 December 2021) to include the transition to a new and improved Physical Readiness Information Management System 2 (PRIMS-2). b. Provides additional guidance on conducting the PFA in the COVID-19 environment, including the use of masks. c. Provides answers to frequently asked questions. d. Expands postpartum PFA exemption from 9 months to 12 months. 2. PFA Implementation Plan a. To assist commands in executing this PFA cycle, we created Physical Readiness Program (PRP) Guide 10, which explains how to conduct the CY2021 PFA. Updated guides are available on the MyNavy HR PRP website, at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Support-Services/21st-Century-Sailor/Physical- Readiness/. b. PRIMS-2 will be online in September 2021. PRIMS-2 has been designed to provide greater ease of use for Command Fitness Leaders (CFL) and better connectivity with associated human resources systems. CFLs/Assistant Command Fitness Leaders (ACFLs) will enter all PFA documentation/results, with the exception of PARFQ data, into PRIMS-2 when available for use. c. As a reminder, Sailors are required to complete a Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) and if required, a Deployment Health Assessment (DHA) prior to commencing a Physical Readiness Test (PRT) or physical conditioning. As COVID-19 has impacted PHA and DHA completion, commands are strongly encouraged to consider their annual PHA and DHA completion rates when scheduling the command PFA. Commands may schedule multiple PFA periods during the cycle to accommodate PHA and DHA completion by Sailors. 3. Additional Guidance to Conduct the CY2021 PFA a. Preparation. Since the official announcement on the new PRT modalities (forearm plank and 2000-meter row) in references (a) and (b), Sailors have been strongly encouraged to practice and prepare for the CY2021 PFA, but commands should use this entire PFA window to ensure adequate notification and allow for preparatory training and readiness assessment prior to execution of the PRT. b. Scoring of Plank Modality. Since the plank is a new mandatory modality, the score for the plank will not be included in their final score. Medically cleared Sailors will participate in the plank modality and should give it their best efforts as we will use scores to validate our scoring tables. c. Mask Use During PFA. CFLs/ACFLs shall conduct official BCAs and PRTs as outlined in PRP Guides 4, 5, 10 and 15. In line with Guide 15, fully vaccinated Department of Defense (DoD) personnel (who are at least two weeks beyond their final dose) are no longer required to wear a mask indoors or outdoors at DoD facilities. All DoD personnel should continue to comply with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance regarding areas where masks should be worn. Personnel who are not fully vaccinated should continue to follow applicable DoD mask guidance when conducting BCA and use social distancing when performing PRT events. PRP Guide 15 will be updated as COVID-19 guidance changes and contains mask guidance. Sailors may unmask when actually performing PRT modalities. Note: If local requirements for masks are more or less restrictive, local requirements take precedence. d. Records and Data Management (1) CFLs are required to retain original written documentation (notes, worksheets, Body Composition Assessment (BCA) and PRT Score sheets, etc.) of official command PFAs and Fitness Enhancement Program for a period of five years and in line with current personal identifiable information (PII) policy. (2) All official PFA forms can be downloaded on the PRP Website forms section: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Support-Services/21st-Century- Sailor/Physical-Readiness/Forms/ to include the revised PARFQ (NAVPERS 6110/3) and PRT Score Sheet (NAVPERS 6110/11). (3) CFLs should refer to PRP Guide 10 for roster maintenance upon PRIMS-2 release. 4. Reponses to Fleet Feedback. The following items are provided for clarification to frequently asked questions: a. Excellent or Above Performance Validation. All Sailors must participate in the CY2021 PFA cycle. Sailors who pass the BCA within the Navy age-adjusted standards and score an overall excellent low or better (with no single event lower than good low) on the PRT modalities consisting of the push-ups and cardio options only are eligible to be exempt from participation in PRT Cycle 1-2022. Forearm plank scores will not to be used in the calculation. In order to validate, Sailors must also be within BCA age-adjusted standards in PFA Cycle 1-2022. b. Consecutive PFA Failures. Due to CY2020 PFA Cycle being excused, PFA failures prior to 2021 will not be used in determining future consecutive failures. For clarification: (1) If a Sailor failed PRT Cycle 2-2019 and the official CY2021 PFA Cycle, it will not count as two consecutive PFA failures. (2) However, going forward, if a Sailor fails the official CY2021 PFA Cycle and PFA Cycle 1-2022, this will be two consecutive failures and member will be subject to adverse administrative action. c. Fitness Report/Evaluation Guidance. In line with reference (f), enter the one-letter code for the result of each official PFA conducted in the reporting period in block 20. Due to CY2020 PFA Cycle being excused, the one-letter code *N* is to be used if the reporting period includes a PFA Cycle in 2020. Format for block 20 must be from oldest to most recent PFA performed during the reporting period. For example, *NNP* in block 20 and *PFA: 20-1/20-2/CY2020* in block 29 indicates that the member was excused for CY2020 PFA Cycle and passed the CY2021 PFA Cycle. d. Preparing for the upcoming PFA. CFLs/ACFLs should be conducting command group physical training and BCA spot checks while following social distancing guidelines and preparing Sailors for the upcoming PFA proactively. Another useful tool is the Official Navy PFA App, which is available for download from the App Store. 5. Postpartum Policy Change. Effective 1 July 2021, pregnant and postpartum Sailors are exempt from participating in the PFA, to include BCA and PRT, from the time a pregnancy is confirmed by a Health Care Provider (HCP) until the end of 12 months (vice previous 9 months guidance) following a qualified birth event (QBE) in line with PRP Guide 8. This change allows postpartum Sailors time to fully recover in a healthy manner prior to being required to meet fitness and body composition standards. a. Postpartum Sailors will be required to participate in a wellness (unofficial) PFA between six to nine months postpartum, following a QBE as defined in line with reference (e). The intent of this new policy is to assist postpartum Sailors return to PFA standards and provide commanding officers (CO) visibility on their health and fitness level. (1) Postpartum Sailors will obtain a medical clearance form (NAVMED Form 6110/4) by HCP or Authorized Medical Department Assessment prior to participating in the wellness PFA. If not cleared to participate, a postpartum Sailor will be rescreened as appropriate prior to participating in the wellness PFA. (2) Upon receiving medical clearance, postpartum Sailors will participate in a wellness PFA. If a postpartum Sailor passes the wellness PFA, they can return to command/unit physical training. If a postpartum Sailor fails to screen, they will be provided postpartum nutrition and fitness resources to assist with their postpartum recovery. b. Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training resources will be available in July 2021 to assist Sailors. These resources will include information on pregnancy/postpartum nutrition and a safe physical training program complete with recommended exercises and contraindicated exercises. These resources will be available on the MyNavy HR Website https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Support-Services/21st-Century-Sailor/Physical- Readiness/ 6. Contact the Physical Readiness Program Office for additional information a. For policy-related questions via e-mail at PRP(at)navy.mil. b. For PRIMS-related questions via e-mail at PRIMS(at)navy.mil. c. For policy or PRIMS-related questions via phone at (901) 874-2210/ DSN 882. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//