UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 152239Z NOV 21 MID600051180185U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 256/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/NOV// SUBJ/CCDA GUIDANCE TO COMMANDERS// REF/A/DOC/SD/24AUG21// REF/B/MSG/SECNAV/302126ZAUG21// REF/C/MSG/OPNAV/311913ZAUG21// REF/D/MSG/OPNAV/132050ZOCT21// REF/E/DOC/BUMED/7OCT13// REF/F/DOC/BUPERS/16MAR20// REF/G/DOC/OPNAV/15AUG20// REF/H/DOC/BUMED/03SEP21// REF/I/DOC/OPNAV/10NOV09// REF/J/MSG/OPNAV/011621ZNOV21// REF/K/DOC/OPNAV/02SEP09// REF/L/DOC/OPNAV/30OCT19// REF/M/DOC/OPNAV/09OCT19// REF/N/DOC/OPNAV/01OCT18// REF/O/DOC/BUPERS/07MAY20// REF/P/DOC/OPNAV/09OCT19// REF/Q/DOC/OPNAV/29MAY07// REF/R/DOC/OPNAV/07DEC06// REF/S/DOC/OPNAV/25OCT21// REF/T/DOC/OPNAV/05OCT17// REF/U/DOC/OPNAV/01APR19// REF/V/DOC/OPNAV/17JAN20// REF/W/DOC/OPNAV/11APR21// REF/X/DOC/SECNAV/30OCT18// REF/Y/DOC/BUPERS/19SEP18// REF/Z/DOC/SECNAV/28MAR19// REF/AA/DOC/SECNAV/15APR19// NARR/REF A IS THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MEMO MANDATING CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 VACCINATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SERVICE MEMBERS. REF B IS ALNAV 062/21, 2021-2022 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION POLICY. REF C IS NAVADMIN 190/21, 2021-2022 NAVY MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION AND REPORTING POLICY. REF D IS NAVADMIN 225/21, COVID-19 CONSOLIDATED DISPOSITION AUTHORITY (CCDA). REF E IS BUMEDINST 6230.15B, IMMUNIZATIONS AND CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS FOR THE PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE. REF F IS BUPERSINST 1730.11A, STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING THE ACCOMMODATION OF RELIGIOUS PRACTICES. REF G IS MILPERSMAN 1730-020, IMMUNIZATION EXEMPTIONS FOR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. REF H IS BUMEDNOTE 6300, NAVY CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 VACCINE MEDICAL TEMPORARY, AND MEDICAL PERMANENT EXEMPTION FOR MEDICAL CONTRAINDICATION APPROVAL PROCESS. REF I IS MILPERSMAN 1910-154, SEPARATION BY REASON OF ENTRY LEVEL PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT. REF J IS MILPERSMAN 1910-600, FORWARDING CASES TO THE SEPARATION AUTHORITY (SA). REF K IS NAVADMIN 249/21, CCDA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. REF L IS MILPERSMAN 1611-010, OFFICER PERFORMANCE AND SEPARATIONS FOR CAUSE. REF M IS MILPERSMAN 1616-040, ENLISTED PERFORMANCE (E-6/7/8/9). REF N IS MILPERSMAN 1610-015, DOCUMENTATION ON FITNESS REPORTS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS FOR FAILURE TO MAINTAIN DEPLOYABILITY OR INDIVIDUAL MEDICAL READINESS. REF O IS BUPERSINST 1610.10E, NAVY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM. REF P IS MILPERSMAN 1616-050, ENLISTED PERFORMANCE (E-5 AND BELOW). REF Q IS MILPERSMAN 1320-308, PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) TRANSFER ORDER EXECUTION. REF R IS POLICY DECISION MEMORANDUM 003-06, ASSIGNMENT INCENTIVE PAY PROGRAM. REF S IS POLICY DECISION MEMORANDUM 002-21, SEA DUTY INCENTIVE PAY PROGRAM. REF T IS OPNAVINST 1160.6C, SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT PAY PROGRAM. REF U IS OPNAVINST 1160.8B, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS PROGRAM. REF V IS OPNAVINST 1520.23C, GRADUATE EDUCATION. REF W IS MILPERSMAN 1160-040, EXTENSION OF ENLISTMENTS. REF X IS SECNAVINST 1420.2B, FROCKING OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. REF Y IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF Z IS SECNAVINST 1420.3, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMISSIONED OFFICER PROMOTION PROGRAM. REF AA IS SECNAVINST 1412.6M, PROMOTION OF OFFICERS TO THE GRADE OF LIEUTENANT (JUNIOR GRADE) IN THE NAVY AND TO THE GRADE OF FIRST LIEUTENANT IN THE MARINE CORPS. RMKS/1. Purpose. This NAVADMIN provides guidance to Commanders regarding Navy service members who fail to obey a lawful order by refusing the COVID-19 vaccine directed in references (a) through (c). 2. Policy. In order to ensure a fully vaccinated force, U.S. Navy policy is to process for separation all Navy service members who refuse the lawful order to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and do not have an approved exemption. Specific administrative actions are directed herein, however, additional administrative actions and any punitive actions based solely on vaccine refusal continue to be withheld. 2.a. The least favorable characterization of service for Navy service members refusing the vaccine, without extenuating circumstances, will be GENERAL (under honorable conditions). A general discharge will, at the discretion of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), result in the loss of eligibility for some VA benefits such as the GI Bill, to include the transfer of GI Bill benefits to dependents. 2.b. Navy service members with approved or pending COVID-19 vaccination exemption requests shall not be processed for separation or be subject to the other administrative actions described in this NAVADMIN due solely to their lack of COVID-19 vaccination. However, in line with reference (d), Navy service members who are not vaccinated, regardless of exemption status, may be temporarily reassigned with concurrence of the first flag officer in the administrative chain of command based on operational readiness and mission requirements. Where applicable, the first flag officer in the operational chain of command should be notified regarding temporary reassignments. 2.c. Navy service members whose COVID-19 vaccination exemption request is denied are required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as directed by the exemption adjudicating authority or commence vaccination within 5 days of being notified of the denial, if the exemption adjudicating authority does not specify. Navy service members who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine after expiration of the specified time to commence vaccination, will be processed for separation and be subject to the other administrative actions described in this NAVADMIN and reference (d). 2.d. Navy service members who initiate vaccination such that they cannot meet the deadline described in references (b) and (c) or the applicable deadline established by receipt of an exemption denial, should notify their chain of command as soon as possible. The Navy service members command must expeditiously report the case to the COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority via *PERS-834(at)navy.mil* for officers and *PERS832COVIDVAXADSEPS(at)us.navy.mil* for enlisted, in order to expedite determination regarding whether to initiate or suspend administrative separation and the other actions directed by this NAVADMIN. 2.e. Notwithstanding the policy to separate Navy service members refusing the vaccine, each and every Navy service member shall be treated with dignity and respect at all times throughout the execution of the policies described herein. 3. Definitions. 3.a. Navy Service Members. Active-duty service members and service members in the Selected Reserve only. Service members in the Individual Ready Reserve and U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) midshipmen remain subject to the vaccine mandates in references (a) through (c), but will be adjudicated per their governing instructions. 3.b. Active-Duty Navy Service Members. Active-duty Navy service members include members of the Active Component and members of the Reserve Component on active duty in a full time support (FTS) status (also known as Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR)). 3.c. Refusing the Vaccine. A Navy service member refusing the vaccine is one who has: (1) received a lawful order to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, (2) is not or will not be fully vaccinated on the date required by the order, and (3) does not have a pending or approved exemption request per references (e) through (h). 3.d. Fully Vaccinated. Service members are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completing an approved COVID-19 vaccination series per reference (c). 3.e. Commanders. Commanders, Commanding Officers and Officers-in-Charge of naval units or organizations. 4. General Guidance. 4.a. Continue to hold submission of administrative separation (ADSEP) cases or convening administrative separation boards until directed by the CCDA. 4.a.(1). Final directions for submission of misconduct and ADSEP requests based solely on vaccine refusal are expected to be promulgated during the first week of December 2021. In preparation for submission, Commanders shall prepare Reports of Misconduct, applicable NAVPERS 1070/613s and any other supporting documents. Templates and additional information can be found at *https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Personnel-Conduct- Sep/Officer-Performance-Separation/* and *https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Personnel-Conduct- Sep/Enlisted-Separations/*. A NAVPERS 1070/613 specifically written for Navy service members who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine is located at *https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-covid-19-reporting* for Commanders use. 4.a.(2). Entry Level Separation (ELS). Commanders will continue separation of Navy enlisted service members refusing the vaccine who meet ELS criteria per MILPERSMAN (MPM) 1910-154. In accordance with MPM 1910-600, forward completed administrative separation records to PERS-832 via email at *PERS832COVIDVAXADSEPS(at)us.navy.mil* for filing in members official military personnel file (OMPF). 4.b. Commanders will notify those Navy service members refusing the vaccine who are executing funded or no-cost TAD orders for training, or any other official purpose, to halt their assigned activity and return to their command within five working days. 4.c. Generally, Navy service members refusing the vaccine will continue in their assigned duties pending adjudication of separation processing and other applicable administrative actions described within this NAVADMIN. Commanders shall ensure appropriate risk mitigations remain in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If, in the Commanders judgment, a local reassignment becomes necessary, Commanders should coordinate disposition and timing with their Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC). 5. Administrative Disposition Guidance. 5.a. The data reporting required by NAVADMIN 249/21, reference (k), meets the requirements of MPM 1611-010 (officers) and MPM 1616-040 (enlisted) to inform PERS-834 (officers) and PERS-832 (enlisted) of incidents that could result in adverse action for officers and enlisted (E-6 through E- 9). However, if a Navy service member refusing the vaccine (including those E5 and below) has a pending transfer, promotion or advancement: submit the additional information, as described below, as soon as feasible to ensure appropriate preemptive action is taken. Include *COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal* in the subject line of the email. 5.a.(1). Officers. Email *PERS-834(at)navy.mil* with members name, rank, brief description of the offense (e.g. COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal), pending promotion/advancement status, and the commands POC (Name, rank/rate, email and phone number). 5.a.(2). Enlisted. Email *PERS832COVIDVAXADSEPS(at)us.navy.mil* with members name, rank and rate, brief description of the offense (e.g. COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal), pending promotion/advancement status, and the commands POC (Name, rank/rate, email and phone number). 6. Documentation in Fitness Reports and Enlisted Evaluations. 6.a. Officers. 6.a.(1). In accordance with reference (d), within 30 days of a Navy service member refusing the vaccine, the reporting senior shall issue an adverse special Fitness Report (FITREP) per MPM 1610-015 and BUPERSINST 1610.10E. These reports should be submitted no earlier than the *to* date described below. 6.a.(2). The adverse special FITREP will document failure of the member to comply with Individual Medical Readiness responsibilities as outlined below. The adverse special FITREP shall document other facts as appropriate, including any additional misconduct associated with vaccine refusal, as described in BUPERSINST 1610.10E. The *to* date in block 15 of this adverse special FITREP will be as follows: 2021Nov28 (active duty service members and FTS/TAR), 2021Dec28 (SELRES). For Navy service members who requested an exemption which was denied and subsequently refuse the vaccine, the *to* date in block 15 shall be 14 days after expiration of the specified time to commence vaccination as discussed in para 2.c. or the applicable date specified in the previous sentence, whichever is later. 6.a.(3). The adverse special FITREP will contain no greater than a 2.0 in block 35 (Military Bearing/Character) and no greater than a 2.0 in block 38 (Leadership). Block 42 (Promotion Recommendation) will be marked as *Significant Problems*. The following sentence must be the opening statement in block 41: *Member failed to maintain deployability or individual readiness standards by refusing the order to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.* A report without these marks and this statement will be rejected and returned for correction. 6.b. Enlisted members. 6.b.(1). In accordance with reference (d), within 30 days of a Navy service member refusing the vaccine, the reporting senior shall issue an adverse special evaluation per MPM 1610-015 and BUPERSINST 1610.10E. The adverse special evaluation will document failure of the member to comply with Individual Medical Readiness responsibilities as outlined below. The adverse special evaluation shall document other facts as appropriate, including any additional misconduct associated with vaccine refusal, as described in BUPERSINST 1610.10E. The *to* date in block 15 of this adverse special evaluation will be as follows: 2021Nov28 (active duty service members and FTS/TAR), 2021Dec28 (SELRES). For Navy service members who requested an exemption which was denied and subsequently refuse the vaccine, the *to* date in block 15 shall be 14 days after expiration of the specified time to commence vaccination as discussed in para 2.c. or the applicable date specified in the previous sentence, whichever is later. These reports should be submitted no earlier than the *to* date described above. 6.b.(2). E-1 to E-6 Evaluations. The adverse special evaluation will contain no greater than a 2.0 in block 36 (Military Bearing/Character) and no greater than a 2.0 in block 39 (Leadership). Block 45 (Promotion Recommendation) will be marked as *Significant Problems* and block 47 (Retention) will be marked as *Not Recommended*. The following sentence must be the opening statement in block 43: *Member failed to maintain deployability or individual readiness standards by refusing the order to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.* A report without these marks and this statement will be rejected and returned for correction. 6.b.(3). E-7 to E-9 Evaluations. The adverse special evaluation will contain no greater than a 2.0 in block 37 (Character) and no greater than a 2.0 in block 33 (Deckplate Leadership). Block 42 (Promotion Recommendation) will be marked as *Significant Problems*. The following sentence must be the opening statement in block 41: *Member failed to maintain deployability or individual readiness standards by refusing the order to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.* A report without these marks and this statement will be rejected and returned for correction. 7. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders execution guidance. Navy service members refusing the vaccine who are under PCS orders will adhere to the following guidance. 7.a. Navy service members and dependents who have not yet initiated PCS travel shall not execute orders. Commands are directed to contact Navy Personnel Command (NPC) for follow-on guidance per MPM 1611-010, MPM 1616- 040, and MPM 1616-050. NPC is standing by to address each specific case and will authorize entitlements based on current location and situation. 7.b. For Navy service members and/or dependents who have already initiated PCS travel, detaching and gaining commands shall make every effort to contact those service members to advise them of the requirements of this message. The service member should contact their detailer directly and each case will be evaluated by NPC on a case by case basis. Commands are directed to contact NPC for follow-on guidance per MPM 1611-010, MPM 1616-040 and MPM 1616-050. Per MPM 1320-308, members traveling under orders are considered to be attached to the gaining command. 7.c. Commanders should contact their ISIC to discuss impacts on manning resulting from this PCS orders execution guidance. ISICs should discuss manning impacts with their respective Type Commander N1, officer and enlisted community detailers, and placement coordinator (PERS 4013). 7.d. For new accession Navy service members in the accession training pipeline, (e.g. Recruit Training Command and A and C Schools) who refuse the vaccine and do not have a pending exemption request, Commanders will immediately interrupt their training, place them in an Interrupted Instruction (II) status and hold them at current activity. 7.e. For new accession Navy service members in the accession training pipeline, (e.g. Recruit Training Command and A and C Schools) who have a pending exemption request, Commanders will continue their accession level training (including transfer between schools), but will not transfer them to their ultimate assignment until adjudication of their exemption request. Once complete with all available accession level training, Commanders will place the service member in an Interrupted Instruction (II) status and hold them at current activity until the exemption request is adjudicated. 8. Bonuses, Special Pays and Incentive Pays. Navy service members refusing the vaccine may not enter into any new agreements for bonuses, special pays, or incentive pays and any unearned portion of current bonuses, special pays and incentive pays will be recouped in accordance with references (r) through (u). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: career retention bonuses, enlistment bonuses and incentive pays (such as flight pay). Bonuses, special pays and incentive pays become unearned when a Navy service member refusing the vaccine is no longer performing duties for which they are receiving such a bonus, special pay, or incentive pay (i.e. removed from assignment). 8.a. Bonuses, special pays and incentive pays become unearned as soon as one of the following criteria is met: 8.a.(1). Removed from the assignment. 8.a.(2). Associated NEC/AQD/warfare qualification is removed. 8.a.(3). Separated. 8.b. Actions required by Commanders with regard to special and incentive pays. 8.b.(1). For assignment or incentive pays, if a Navy service member is removed from an assignment, the Commander shall notify the office responsible for any special and incentive pays of the change of assignment. For Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP), notify PERS-40DD via email at *Mill_aip(at)navy.mil*. For Special Duty Incentive Pay notify PERS-40DD via email at *Mill_sdip(at)navy.mil*. For Special Duty Assignment Pay, notify the servicing Personnel Support Detachment/Transaction Support Center and the rating detailer. 8.b.(2). For bonuses, if a Navy service member is removed from an assignment and is no longer eligible for a bonus, notify the office responsible for that bonus. For Selective Reenlistment Bonuses, notify OPNAV (N130) via email at *nxag_N130D(at)navy.mil*. 8.b.(3). Upon removal from an assignment, Commanders will ensure the NAVPERS 1070/613 specifically written for Navy service members refusing the vaccine is completed and saved in the service members electronic service record. This NAVPERs 1070/613 can be found at *https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-covid-19-reporting*. 9. Education. Navy service members refusing the vaccine are not eligible to continue Navy education opportunities and those who fail to complete a service obligation incurred for participating in Navy funded full-time, part- time, or off-duty education programs per OPNAVINST 1520.23C will be required to reimburse the cost of the education received, prorated for the obligated time served. 9.a. Institutional Education. Navy service members refusing the vaccine who incurred a service obligation for an education benefit (e.g. USNA, ROTC, Naval Postgraduate School, Health Professional Scholarship Program or in- residence Professional Military Education), will have any unearned portion of that education benefit recouped if separated before completing the service obligation. Navy service members refusing the vaccine (as defined in para. 3) currently enrolled in such an education program will be dis-enrolled from their program as soon as feasible and held at their institution or command pending administrative separation. Note: Current USNA and ROTC Midshipmen will be adjudicated by governing instructions as discussed in para. 3.a. 9.b. Tuition Assistance (TA). Navy service members refusing the vaccine are ineligible to receive TA. Commanders must withdraw command approval for any TA courses not yet convened. Commanders will direct withdrawal from TA courses which have convened and require proof of withdrawal. Navy service members will be responsible for reimbursing the Navy for the amount listed on the TA Authorization Voucher. Officers administratively separated prior to completing the statutory two year obligation for receipt of TA will incur a debt. 9.c. SkillBridge. Navy service members refusing the vaccine are not eligible to participate in the SkillBridge program. Commanders will immediately remove SkillBridge approval and recall Navy service members refusing the vaccine as indicated below. 9.c.(1). Navy service members assigned to commands in the Continental United States (CONUS) will return to their permanent duty station at their own cost within five days of recall order. If the command is deployed or underway, Sailors will report to the Transient Personnel Detachment in their home port. 9.c.(2). Navy service members assigned to commands outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) will report to the nearest CONUS Transient Personnel Detachment at their own cost as directed by their command within five days of recall order. 9.d. Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL). Navy service members refusing the vaccine are not eligible for Navy COOL funding for examinations or related credentialing fees. Commanders will withdraw approval of unexecuted vouchers and withhold future voucher approval for Navy service members refusing the vaccine. 10. Navy Training. In cases where there is a clearly defined service obligation that is not met, the cost of Navy training will be recouped, prorated to the obligated time served. Additionally, each case of a Navy service member refusing the vaccine will be evaluated for recoupment of training costs based on individual circumstances such as total cost, service obligation, and the Navy’s realized return on investment for training received. 11. Reenlistments and Extensions. Navy service members refusing the vaccine are not eligible for re-enlistment, and may not extend their enlistment. If a Navy service member refusing the vaccine has entered into an extension agreement that is not yet operative (has not yet taken effect), Commanders must cancel these agreements to extend enlistment. The inoperative extension can be cancelled by the personnel office by completing the cancellation section of NAVPERS 1070/621 or NAVPERS 1070/622 and processing the corresponding NSIPS event per MPM 1160-040. 12. Promotion and Advancement. Navy service members refusing the vaccine who are in a frocked status should be defrocked as soon as feasible (officers per SECNAVINST 1420.2B, enlisted per BUPERSINST 1430.16G). Spot promoted officers refusing the vaccine should be replaced as soon as feasible. Once removed from the applicable spot promote billet, the command should contact the members detailer and PERS-806 to remove the spot promotion. 12.a. Officer Promotion Delay. Commanders shall delay the promotion of any officer refusing the vaccine and shall submit a NAVPERS 1070/13 to *NPC_promotionwithholds.fct(at)navy.mil* stating the members promotion is delayed due to COVID-19 vaccine refusal (per SECNAVINST 1420.3 or SECNAVINST 1412.6M). Delays shall be based upon pending administrative action and physical qualification. Navy Personnel Command will make formal written notice to the officer following notification from the Commander. A NAVPERS 1070/613 specifically written for Navy service members who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine is located at *https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-covid-19-reporting* for Commanders use. 12.b. Enlisted Advancement Withhold. Commanders shall withhold the advancements of any enlisted member refusing the vaccine, to include preventing automatic Time-In-Rate advancements for E-2/E-3 and advancement for any Sailors in a frocked status for paygrades E-3 through E-9. 12.c. Enlisted Advancement Withdrawal. The date of the special adverse evaluation from paragraph 6.b. above constitutes a permanent withdrawal of advancement recommendation effective as of the date of the reporting seniors signature. An example NAVPERS 1070/13 for enlisted members pending advancement is available in BUPERSINST 1430.16G, Chapter 7. 13. Community sponsor flag officers are authorized to make determinations within their communities regarding removal of warfare qualifications, additional qualification designations (AQD), Navy Enlisted Classifications (NEC), or sub-specialties for Navy service members refusing the vaccine. Any decision to remove warfare qualifications, AQDs, NECs, or sub-specialties shall be consistent with current community policies and normal practices for Navy service members who do not maintain deployability or individual readiness through their own actions. These decisions, when based solely on refusing the vaccine, must be administrative in nature rather than punitive. 14. If in doubt as to how to adjudicate issues related to a Navy service member refusing the vaccine, Commanders should seek guidance from their chain of command, their staff judge advocate, and/or the CCDA before acting. In all cases, Commanders are accountable to ensure the health and safety of their command while treating every Navy service member with dignity and respect. 15. Points of contact. My Navy Career Center: 833-330-6622, *askmncc(at)navy.mil*. Retirements and Separations (PERS-8): *MILL_Pers-8(at)navy.mil*, (901) 874-3264. Bonus Programs, Special and Incentive Pays (OPNAV N130D): *nxag_n130d(at)navy.mil*. Enlisted Force Plans and Policy (OPNAV N132): *NXAG_N132C(AT)navy.mil*. OPNAV POC: CAPT Jason Grizzle, *ALTN_N1_NAVY_SCR.FCT(AT)NAVY.MIL*. 16. Released by VADM John B. Nowell, Jr, COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority. BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//