UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 221849Z FEB 22 MID200001490538U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 042/22 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/FEB// SUBJ/UPDATED COVID CONSOLIDATED DISPOSITION AUTHORITY DATA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND LESSONS LEARNED// REF/A/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/011621ZNOV21// REF/B/DOC/BUPERS/16MAR20// REF/C/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/151203ZDEC21// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 249/21, CCDA DATA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. REF B IS BUPERSINST 1730.11A, STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING THE ACCOMMODATION OF RELIGIOUS PRACTICES. REF C IS NAVADMIN 283/21,? CCDA EXECUTION GUIDANCE TO COMMANDERS. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN updates reference (a) guidance to Commanders for reporting unvaccinated Navy service members. 2. To ensure accurate accounting of personnel who have not received the COVID-19 vaccination for any reason, all Commanders are directed to ensure that every unvaccinated Navy service member under their command is accurately reported in accordance with reference (a) as modified by this NAVADMIN. Commanders shall not report non-Navy service members under their command. 3. Reporting 3.a. The vaccination status of many service members has changed since initially reported. In all such cases, Commanders are directed to update reporting on those individuals in line with reference (a) and this NAVADMIN. 3.b. Submit updated data via the Department of the Navy (DON) COVID Tracking Site at https//portal.secnav.navy.mil/cop/crc/covid/. Echelon 1 and 2 Commanders shall compile and provide the data directed in paragraph 3 of reference (a) on all Navy service members who are not fully vaccinated. Submission may be delegated to subordinate echelon 3 commands. An updated template excel file is available at the MyNavy Portal site at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-covid-19-reporting and shall be used for reporting. Commands will also ensure that the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS) is updated to be consistent with information submitted to the DON COVID Tracking Site. 4. Categories 4.a. Unvaccinated, refuser: Navy service members who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine and do not have a pending or approved exemption request. 4.b. Unvaccinated, vaccination series started but not complete: Navy service members who have received the first of a two shot series, but have not yet received the second shot. Service members who exceed the recommended timeline for the second shot by more than five days shall be updated as *unvaccinated, refuser* unless they meet the requirements of another reporting category, in which case they shall be updated to the appropriate category. 4.c. Unvaccinated, pending medical exemption: Navy service members who have had a military medical provider (MMP) submit a medical exemption request on their behalf. Commanders shall only report service members in this category if they have communication from a MMP confirming the MMPs request for a permanent exemption to a medical flag officer approving authority on behalf of the service member. Note that because temporary medical exemptions are determined by a local MMP, they will not be reported in this category since they are either approved or disapproved at the point of care. If approved, Commanders shall update the reporting category to *unvaccinated, approved medical exemption* as soon as practical. If disapproved, Commanders shall update reporting to the appropriate category based on the member’s vaccination status. 4.d. Unvaccinated, approved medical exemption: Navy service members who have received approval of a vaccine exemption to accommodate a medical condition. This applies to both permanent and temporary approvals. When a temporary medical exemption expires, Commanders shall update reporting to the appropriate category based on the members vaccination status. 4.e. Unvaccinated, pending religious accommodation: Navy service members who have submitted a vaccine exemption request (or appeal) to accommodate a religious practice. Commanders shall only report service members in this category if they have forwarded the request (or appeal) to OPNAV N131 and received an acknowledgement as outlined in paragraph 5 below. If approved, Commanders shall update the reporting category to *unvaccinated, approved religious exemption* as soon as practical. If disapproved and vaccination has not commenced within 5 days, Commanders shall update reporting to *unvaccinated, refuser* at that point unless another category applies, in which case reporting shall be updated to the appropriate category. 4.f. Unvaccinated, approved religious exemption: Navy service members who have received approval of a vaccine exemption request (or appeal) to accommodate a religious practice. 4.g. Unvaccinated, has not had access to vaccination due to operational schedule and/or remote location: Navy service members who have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated for operational reasons as endorsed by their Commander. Service members who do not initiate vaccination within five days upon completion of duty which precluded vaccination shall be updated as *unvaccinated, refuser* unless they meet the requirements of another reporting category, in which case they shall be updated to the appropriate category. 4.h. Vaccination series complete, previously reported as unvaccinated: Navy service members who were initially reported as unvaccinated, but have since received the complete COVID-19 vaccination series. Commanders shall report this status as soon as practical after the vaccine series is complete. It is important to note that this category is new since reference (a) was transmitted. 5. Additional guidance 5.a. Commanders shall submit religious accommodation exemption requests in line with reference (b) by emailing ALTN_Navy_Religious_Accommodations(at)navy.mil. Commands should receive e-mail acknowledgement of receipt from OPNAV N131 within 48 hours. If the command has not received acknowledgement, including those requests which were previously submitted at any time in the past, e-mail the above address to ensure the religious accommodation waiver request was received by OPNAV N131. For additional information regarding procedures governing the accommodation of religious practices policy and templates, please visit https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Support-Services/Religious-Accommodations/. 5.b. Each Commander is responsible for accurate and timely reporting of data on all unvaccinated Navy service members under their command to precisely reflect all required fields, including demographic and command information in addition to the members DoD ID number and duty status, even if the data is being compiled at higher echelons. Note that there are three choices for duty status - *active component*, *full-time support* (full-time support and training and administrative of the reserve) and *selected reserve* (SELRES). For SELRES Sailors on active duty orders, indicate *selected reserve* as duty status. 5.c. In cases where service members have transferred, the previous command must coordinate with the gaining command to ensure that the CCDA data reporting requirements of reference (a) and this NAVADMIN are complete and accurate. 6. Reference (c) provides direction with respect to administrative separation due to refusing the vaccine. Commanders shall submit required reports within reference (c) directed timelines upon determination that a Navy service member is refusing the vaccine. 7. Point of contact. OPNAV POC: CAPT Jason Grizzle, e-mail: ALTN_N1_NAVY_SCR.FCT(AT)NAVY.MIL. 8. Released by VADM John B. Nowell, Jr, Chief of Naval Personnel.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//