CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 191946Z JAN 23 MID200080668118U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 008/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// SUBJ/EXPANSION OF THE MILITARY PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM// REF/A/DOC/USC/27DEC21// REF/B/LTR/USD/04JAN23// REF/C/LTR/ASN/17JAN23// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/211800ZJUN18// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/08NOV18// REF/F/MSG/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA/302155ZJUN22// REF/G/DOC/OPNAV/12DEC14// REF/H/DOC/OPNAV/22APR22// REF/I/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22AUG02// NARR/ REF A IS TITLE 10 U.S.C. SECTION 701 OUTLINES THE AUTHORITY TO EXPAND THE MILITARY PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM. REF B IS UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS DIRECTIVE- TYPE MEMORANDUM 23-001, EXPANSION OF THE MILITARY PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM. REF C IS ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (MANPOWER AND RESERVE AFFAIRS) DIRECTIVE-TYPE MEMORANDUM, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY GUIDANCE FOR EXPANSION OF THE MILITARY PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM. REF D IS NAVADMIN 151/18, MILITARY PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM. REF E IS MILPERSMAN 1050-415, PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM. REF F IS ALNAVRESFOR, NAVY RESERVE COMPONENT MATERNITY LEAVE POLICY AND GUIDELINES. REF G IS OPNAVINST 1754.4A, NAVY ADOPTION REIMBURSEMENT POLICY. REF H IS OPNAVINST 6110.1K, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF I IS MILPERSMAN 1050-180, CONVALESCENT LEAVE.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the expansion of the Military Parental Leave Program in line with references (a) through (c). This NAVADMIN cancels reference (d) and supersedes reference (e). Reference (f) is unaffected by this guidance. 2. Effective 27 December 2022, reference (b) implements 12 weeks of non-chargeable leave for all Active Component (AC) members, Reserve Component (RC) members who perform full-time active duties for longer than 12 consecutive months, and RC members performing duty under a call or order to active service for more than 12 consecutive months. In the event of a live birth, 12 weeks of non-chargeable leave is authorized for the birth parent and non-birth parent. For the birth parent, the 12 weeks is in addition to convalescent leave authorized by a medical provider and approved by a member's commanding officer (CO). The 12 weeks of non-chargeable leave is also authorized for qualifying adoptions and long-term foster situations and may be taken in one increment or multiple increments. If taken in multiple increments, each increment must be for at least 7 days. Unless extended in line with reference (b), parental leave expires 1 year after the qualifying event. 3. The Navy parental leave program will be executed in line with reference (b). Read reference (b) in its entirety. Guidance contained in this NAVADMIN is to be used as a supplement to reference (b). 4. Proof of Parentage for the Non-birth Parent: Paragraph 2.b.(2) of reference (b) requires proof of parentage for non-birth parents to qualify for parental leave. Examples of proof of parentage include: a. being listed, with consent, as a parent on the birth certificate of the child or other government issued document, b. acknowledgement in writing of an obligation to support the child, either by voluntary agreement or court order, or c. registration, or pending registration, in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). 5. Qualifying Adoption. In addition to the definition of an adoption in reference (b), a qualifying adoption is one that qualifies for reimbursement of adoption expenses in line with reference (g). 6. Appeal Process if Incremental Parental Leave is disapproved. Paragraph 3.a.(1) of reference (b) requires establishment of an elective appeal process if a CO disapproves a request to take parental leave in more than one increment. Members may appeal disapproval to the Immediate Superior in Command of their respective unit. 7. Requesting Parental Leave: The appropriate category of parental leave must be requested through e-Leave in Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). NSIPS, to include NSIPS Web Afloat, will be updated to reflect the expanded Military Parental Leave. The following procedures will be used for requesting parental leave in NSIPS until the update is completed: a. Select Primary Caregiver Leave (PCL) and the appropriate absence reason in block 12a. If the parental leave is for placement of a child in long-term foster care, the absence reason is to be left blank. b. Requests for parental leave that exceed 42 days must be submitted as separate PCL periods. c. Leave approvers are responsible for ensuring parental leave is approved within the limits outlined in this NAVADMIN to include maintaining record of a members parental leave balance for each qualifying event. 8. Navy-wide Advancement Exam (NWAE). Parental leave is an authorized reason for ordering a substitute exam when the leave does not permit administration on the regularly scheduled NWAE date under and within guidelines, limitations, and timelines outlined in published exam cycle messages. 9. Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA): a. The authorized deferment period from participating in the PFA as listed in reference (h), or any future PFA update, begins from the time a health care provider confirms the member is pregnant until the end of 12 months following the member giving birth to a child. b. Utilization of parental leave by the non-birth parent is not justification for non-participation in PFAs. 10. No member will be disadvantaged in their career, including limitations in their assignments (except where members voluntarily agree to accept an assignment limitation), performance appraisals, or selection for professional military education or training, solely because they take any of the non-chargeable leave outlined herein. 11. Additional information, including reference (b), can be found at: Point of contact for this matter is the office of Pay and Allowances (OPNAV N130C) and can be reached via e-mail at nxag_n130c(at) 12. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. Updates to references (e) and (i) reflecting the changes in this NAVADMIN will be released at a later date. 13. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//