CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 241353Z JAN 23 MID200080679203U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 014/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// MSGID/NAVADMIN/ CNO WASHINGTON DC/JAN// SUBJ/ MEDICAL RETENTION REVIEWS FOR THE NAVY SELECTED RESERVE MEMBER// REF/A/DOC/RESPERMAN 6000-010/23MAR20// REF/B/DOC/ DODINST 6130.03, VOL. 2/4SEP20// REF/C/DOC/ DODINST 6490.07/5FEB10// NARR/REF A IS COMMANDER NAVY RESERVE FORCE POLICY FOR RESERVE MEDICAL. REF B IS DoDI 6130.03, VOL. 2 ON MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR MILITARY SERVICE: RETENTION. REF C IS DoDI 6490.07 ON DEPLOYMENT-LIMITING MEDICAL CONDITIONS FOR SERVICE MEMBERS AND DOD CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. RMKS/1. The purpose of this Navy Administrative (NAVADMIN) message is to communicate required contents and routing procedures for Medical Retention Reviews (MRR) for Navy selected Reserve members, as required by references (a) and (b). This communication is in advance of an update to the NAVMED P-117, Chapter 15, Article 23. 2. Echelon 5 medical departments will initiate an MRR if they determine that a Navy Reserve member has a service-limiting condition, which was not incurred on Active orders, does not improve within the period of Temporarily Not Physically Qualified (TNPQ), and the condition meets at least one of the following: a. Does not meet published retention standards in reference (b) and any future published Navy and Marine Corps-specific retention standards. b.Makes Reserve member incapable of serving on a large deck surface ship with the medical support of a senior medical officer; c.Requires a waiver to deploy per reference (c); or d.Makes Reserve member incapable of working in an operational setting for at least six months without access to specialty medical care. e.If it is unclear whether a Navy MRR submission is necessary and consistent with applicable guidance, the echelon 5 medical representative must discuss with the next higher echelon. MRR submissions are often unnecessary for conditions that meet published medical retention standards and do not interfere with drilling or mobilization. Medical representatives will consider both medical standards and the members ability to satisfactorily perform appropriate military duties commensurate with the members office, grade, rank, or rate. A condition that does not necessitate an MRR, or which has been determined physically qualified (PQ) during an MRR, might still require an area of responsibility waiver if the Reserve member is mobilizing to a more restrictive theater. 3. The Navy MRR package will be sent, via appropriate chain of command, to the echelon 4 Medical Director for submission. 4. The echelon 4 Medical Director will review Navy MRR packages and provide one of the following recommendations regarding qualification for retention: a.Physically qualified: For Navy Selected Reserve deemed PQ for retention, echelon 4 will provide documentation of PQ status and a Page 13 for entry into the members medical record. b.Physically qualified for retention but with potential Mobilization limitations: For Navy Selected Reserve deemed PQ but with potential Mobilization limitations, echelon 4 will submit determination to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-95) for message release. c.Not physically qualified (NPQ): All NPQ determinations by the echelon 4 Medical Director will be routed to BUMED-N34 to determine whether NPQ retention is recommended, or NPQ retention is not recommended, prior to sending to PERS. For NPQ determinations, when a recommendation can be made regarding retention in the Reserve Component, BUMED will send the recommendation to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-95) for adjudication and final action. d.If a recommendation cannot be made regarding retention (e.g., incomplete information, not enough time after treatment initiated to demonstrate stability or instability), the echelon 4 Medical Director or BUMED-N34 will request further information from the cognizant echelon 5 medical representative and the member via the members administrative chain of command. 5. Receipt of Veterans Affairs disability compensation for one or more service-connected conditions does not, in and of itself, render a Service member unfit for retention. Before initiating a Navy MRR, it is the responsibility of the echelon 4 and echelon 5 medical personnel to assess whether a Veteran Affair compensable condition will likely affect performance of duty, retention, or prevent the member from safely or effectively fulfilling duties during a mobilization or deployment commensurate with the members office, grade, rank, or rate. 6. Echelon 3 may develop standard operating procedures to assist echelon 5 medical representatives on identifying conditions that require a Navy MRR. 7. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery points of contact for procedural questions regarding this policy can be reached at This mailbox is not configured to receive email containing protected health information or personally identifiable information. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//