CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 272026Z FEB 23 MID200080757452U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 055/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/ENLISTED SUPERVISOR RETENTION PAY POLICY UPDATES// REF/A/LTR/OPNAV/10FEB23/NOTAL// REF/B/LTR/OPNAV/18MAY22/NOTAL// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/271442ZMAY22// REF/D/DOC/U.S.C./7SEP62// REF/E/DOC/SECDEF/DODI 1304.31/5NOV20// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/201941ZOCT22// REF/G/DOC/DOD/1AUG20// NARR/REF A IS DIRECTOR, MILITARY PERSONNEL PLANS AND POLICY (OPNAV N13) MEMORANDUM, ENLISTED SUPERVISOR RETENTION PAY POLICY MEMORANDUM. REF B DIRECTOR, MILITARY PERSONNEL PLANS AND POLICY (OPNAV N13) MEMORANDUM, ENLISTED SUPERVISOR RETENTION PAY POLICY MEMORANDUM. REF C IS NAVADMIN 123/22, ENLISTED SUPERVISOR RETENTION PAY UPDATES. REF D IS TITLE 37 U.S. CODE, PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES. REF E IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION 1304.31, ENLISTED BONUS PROGRAM. REF F IS NAVADMIN 238/22, UPDATED FY-24 ACTIVE-DUTY LIMITED DUTY OFFICER AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN- SERVICE PROCUREMENT BOARD. REF G IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FMR VOL 7A, MILITARY PAY POLICY - ACTIVE DUTY AND RESERVE PAY.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces an updated nuclear enlisted supervisor retention pay (ESRP) policy memorandum, reference (a). This ESRP policy memorandum and NAVADMIN message supersedes references (b) and (c) effective 1 April 2023. 2. Notable changes in reference (a) are as follows: a. Clarifies a Service Member cannot exceed combined selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) and ESRP payments totaling $360K in a career since 1 October 2013. b. Updates the ESRP program limit to $180K and ESRP contract limit to $150K. c. Establishes a two-option ESRP Zone 1 payment structure. Service Members may select either a one-time lump sum payment or an anniversary payment (e.g., initial half up-front payment with anniversary installments) structure. Payment preference must be clearly identified when entering the reenlistment request in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). 3. The ESRP program provides a retention incentive to senior Navy nuclear- trained enlisted Service Members with highly specialized skills. A detailed program description is outlined in reference (a) and can be found at Management/Enlisted/Nuclear/Enlisted-Programs/. The legal authority for ESRP is contained in section 331 of reference (d) and in reference (e). ESRP requirements limit the program as follows: a. The minimum reenlistment length is 3 years. b. The maximum bonus amount for each year of additional obligated service (AOS) is limited to $30K as stated in reference (e). The implication of this limit is that to earn a $150K bonus the minimum AOS required is 60 months. c. The maximum reenlistment lifetime bonus amount is $360K for SRB and ESRP contracts since 1 October 2013. d. All ESRP payments must be received prior to the completion of 28 years of service (YOS). The implication of this limit is that any ESRP installment that would be due after 28 YOS will be paid in the final installment prior to the completion of 28 YOS. 4. ESRP Award Multiples. Award levels have changed since those previously released in reference (c). Updated award levels are below: a. ESRP Zone 1 and Zone 2 award level (AOS computation stops at the completion of 16 YOS for Zone 1 and 18 YOS for Zone 2): Rating PNEC Zone 1 Zone 2 ETNSS N13S 9.5 4.5 EMNSS N14S 8.0 4.5 MMNSS N15S 7.5 4.5 ELTSS N16S 7.5 4.5 ETNSW N23S 7.5 4.5 EMNSW N24S 8.0 4.5 MMNSW N25S 7.5 4.5 ELTSW N26S 7.5 (+1.5) 4.5 b. ESRP Zone 3 award level (AOS computation stops at the completion of 23 YOS): AOS AOS AOS Rating PNEC 1-24mos 25-36mos 37+mos ETNSS N13S 0.5 1.5 2.5 EMNSS N14S 0.5 1.5 2.5 MMNSS N15S 0.5 1.5 2.5 ELTSS N16S 0.5 1.5 2.5 ETNSW N23S 0.5 1.5 2.5 EMNSW N24S 0.5 1.5 2.5 MMNSW N25S 0.5 1.5 2.5 ELTSW N26S 0.5 1.5 2.5 5. Eligibility. Only Service Members assigned with an active supervisor Navy enlisted classification (NEC) listed in paragraph 4 are eligible to reenlist for ESRP. In addition, Service Members must hold a current security clearance or be in an open status for a new investigation. ESRP requests and anniversary payments for personnel with special category NECs (N59X/N89X) will be held in abeyance pending final resolution. Overall, ESRP eligibility requirements are defined in reference (a). To encourage career progression and provide incentives for continued superior at-sea service, the following supplementary eligibility requirements remain in place for each ESRP zone: a. ESRP Zone 1. In line with reference (a), be assigned an active nuclear supervisor NEC (see paragraph 4). b. ESRP Zone 2. In line with reference (a), be a frocked chief or in the paygrade of E-7, E-8, or E-9 on the date of the ESRP Zone 2 reenlistment. c. ESRP Zone 3. In line with reference (a): (1) Be a frocked E-8 or in the paygrade of E-8 or E-9 on the date of the ESRP Zone 3 reenlistment and, (2) Successfully served as, currently serving as (on orders), or issued and accepted orders as a submarine engineering department master chief, nuclear aircraft carrier (CVN) major division leading chief petty officer, CVN reactor training division officer, or CVN reactor department master chief. 6. Application Process. To ensure the approval message is released in a timely manner, ESRP reenlistment requests should be submitted 35 to 120 days in advance of the desired reenlistment date. Exceptions to this policy can be approved by the ESRP program manager on an individual basis. a. ESRP-eligible Service Members must be recommended for reenlistment by their commanding officer. The command may use the checklist (enclosure (l) of reference (a)) to assist in submitting the ESRP request within the NSIPS. b. NSIPS is programmed to accept ESRP reenlistment requests and is the only method of submission. If the command is unable to submit ESRP reenlistment requests due to operational commitments, then the command's immediate superior in command may submit the request via NSIPS. Due to the transition from officer personnel information system force management (OPINS FORMAN) to NSIPS, the ESRP program manager can no longer submit a request for a Service Member or command. Entering an ESRP request in NSIPS is similar to submitting a SRB request. Other specifics to ESRP requests in NSIPS are stated in reference (a). 7. Officer Programs. ESRP entitlement for Service Members who reenlist after applying for an officer program will be held pending selection results. For limited duty officers, the application deadline is considered the suspense date as published in reference (f) and future announcement messages. For all other commissioning programs, the date on which the Nuclear Program Manager (OPNAV N133) approves the conditional release to apply for that program is the date after which additional ESRP entitlements will be held. 8. Recoupment. Repayment policy as governed by section 373 of reference (d), chapter 2 of reference (g), and reference (a), collectively determine when the repayment of the unearned portion of a bonus is required, not required, prohibited, and left to Secretarial discretion. Section 373 of reference (d) requires repayment with certain exceptions. As a general rule, repayment of any unearned portion of a bonus will be sought. Examples of situations requiring repayment are provided in reference (a). 9. Service Record Entry. An Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613) entry acknowledging recoupment policy via NSIPS is required in the record of the Service Member prior to execution of an ESRP reenlistment. Examples are provided in enclosure (2) of reference (a). 10. The point of contact is the ESRP Program Manager located at OPNAV N133 at (703) 604-5502/DSN 664 or via e-mail at nxag_n133d3(at) or bullnuke(at) 11. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//