CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 031435Z MAR 23 MID200080778338U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 064/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/SKILLBRIDGE EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING GUIDANCE UPDATE// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/171359ZSEP15// REF/B/DOC/DOD/JUN2019// NARR/REF A IS THE NAVADMIN 160/22, SKILLBRIDGE EMPLOYMENT SKILLS TRAINING GUIDANCE. REF B IS THE DOD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN message updates SkillBridge registration procedures to be conducted within the new SkillBridge application portal. It additionally institutes new policy controls. Reference (a) remains in full effect except as modified below. 2. Policy and procedure changes in this NAVADMIN are effective immediately for all new SkillBridge applicants. In line with reference (a), Sailors with prior command approval are grandfathered and may start or continue their SkillBridge program as approved by their command. Sailors without command approval must reapply under the guidelines of this message. 3. From this point forward, Sailors desiring to participate in SkillBridge must register and apply for SkillBridge approval using the application portal via MyNavy Education at E-mail registrations are no longer being accepted. Application portal instructions can be found at 4. SkillBridge is intended to provide transition assistance and skill development for Service members leaving the Navy. However, it is not an entitlement and participation does impact readiness. As such, the time allowed for program participation is now based on paygrade. If approved, SkillBridge must occur prior to any terminal leave or permissive temporary duty associated with separation, fleet reserve, or retirement. The following limits indicate the maximum amount of time prior to the actual separation, fleet reserve, or retirement date that SkillBridge participation can commence. a. Tier one (enlisted E5 and below) - 180 days or less. b. Tier two (enlisted E6-E9) - 120 days or less. c. Tier three (officers O4 and below) - 120 days or less. d. Tier four (officers O5 and above) - 90 days or less. 5. SkillBridge applications for tier four personnel shall not be approved if participation would result in a gapped billet. Additionally, tier four applicants now require positive endorsement from the Director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy (OPNAV N13) before they can begin SkillBridge. Commanding officers (CO) must certify in any approval for tier four applicants that SkillBridge participation will not result in a gap. The Office of the Chief of Naval Personnel (OPNAV) SkillBridge registrar will forward command-approved requests for tier four personnel to OPNAV N13. The registrar will then notify applicants of OPNAV N13's decision. 6. Personnel who have received service-funded education, to include tuition assistance, under-graduate and post-graduate education, will not be permitted to start SkillBridge until all obligated service for that education is complete. 7. Officers must fulfill their minimum service requirement for commissioning prior to starting SkillBridge. 8. Officers serving under a retention bonus will not be permitted to start SkillBridge until the service obligation for that bonus is complete. 9. COs should consider whether allowing SkillBridge participation by Sailors in receipt of skill or billet-based special and incentive pays would negatively impact mission readiness. In line with reference (a), COs are always fully authorized to deny or curtail SkillBridge requests in light of mission readiness impacts. 10. Sailors who relinquish an overseas housing allowance or overseas military housing to return to the continental United States for SkillBridge participation are not currently eligible for a housing allowance in line with reference (b). This is a recognized gap that OPNAV is actively working with the Department of Defense in order to develop a solution. 11. All other policies in reference (a) remain in effect. 12. Additional resources are available at 13. Direct all questions regarding SkillBridge policy to navy_skillbridge.fct(at) or by phone at (703) 604-5310. 14. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 15. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//