CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 151801Z MAR 23 MID600052873816U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 071/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/2023 BATTLE OF MIDWAY COMMEMORATION PLANNING ORDER// REF/A/DOC/CNO/21DEC2012OPNAVINST 5726.8C// REF/B/DOC/CNO/26JUL2022// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 5726.8C OUTREACH: AMERICA'S NAVY. REF B IS THE CNO'S NAVIGATION PLAN 2022// RMKS/1. June 2023 will mark the 81st anniversary of one of the Navy's most historically significant victories. The determination, zeal, and valor of our Sailors enabled the Navy to defeat the premier striking force of the Imperial Japanese navy, blunting their advance across the Pacific. Our remembrance of Midway allows us to see how our past achievements serve as a model for us to meet the challenges of the future. This order provides initial guidance and anticipated tasks for the commemoration of this important date in Navy history. 2. In support of reference (a), Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) shall execute a commemorative event plan commensurate with the importance of the Battle of Midway (BOM) for our Navy and Nation. 3. Commander's Intent: a. Purpose. Prepare all Navy commands to execute a Fleet-wide commemoration of one of our Navy's greatest at-sea victories. Specifically, the commemoration will: (1) Inspire the current generation of Sailors to trace their roots to those who fought in and won this great battle. (2) Draw parallels between today's forward-deployed presence/operations to the historical lessons of the battle to cultivate informed operational decisions for our Navy. (3) Engage the American public on how the Navy has been and remains critical to our Nation's defense. (4) Highlight the core attributes of teamwork, initiative, accountability, toughness, and integrity of the American Sailors and Navy civilians who contributed to success at Midway and throughout World War II. b. Method. Command-level execution of a coordinated Navy-wide BOM commemoration. (1) Use available Navy outreach assets to maximum extent possible. (2) Be guided by, and supportive of reference (b), as found on the Navy's flagship website ( c. End State. The BOM commemoration continues to be an annual fleet commemoration and Navy pride event observed globally. 4. Tasks: a. Director, Navy Staff (DNS) will oversee planning and program development for the annual BOM commemoration. b. Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC): (1) Coordinate and support Fleet execution of Midway commemoration events to include Navy-wide observances and supporting community outreach events. (2) Establish a Working Group (WG) of key stakeholders to oversee planning and program development for the BOM commemoration. (a) Director, NHHC will serve as chairman of the BOM WG, with the Outreach Branch of the Communication and Outreach Division (COD) as the lead for planning. (b) COD Outreach will assist BOM WG members in their commemoration plans as they develop and coordinate with members to identify and share available resources for the global execution of the BOM commemoration. (3) Develop a commemoration toolkit for use by all Navy commands. (4) Develop and make available a body of lessons learned at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels from previous BOM commemorations. (5) Post all documents and associated points of contact on the NHHC website NLT 1 May 2023. (6) Develop a BOM 81st Anniversary Communication Plan, including public affairs guidance, and provide to Chief of Naval Information (CHINFO) for dissemination to the fleet. (7) Draft BOM Navy Execute Order (EXORD) for release as NAVADMIN by DNS. Message to be released NLT 6 May 2023. (8) Compile BOM lessons learned from stakeholders and provide to DNS NLT 15 July 2023. c. Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC); Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT); Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC); Naval Education and Training Command (NETC); Commander, Navy Reserve Force Command (COMNAVRESFORCOM); Commander, Naval Recruiting Command (COMNAVCRUITCOM); and other commands as required. (1) Provide representatives as necessary to support the BOM WG. (2) Ensure COs and OICs plan for and commemorate the 81st anniversary of the BOM. (3) Execute the BOM 81st Anniversary Communication Plan, disseminated by the CHINFO, and participate in planned community outreach activities as operationally feasible. d. CHINFO: (1) Provide representatives to the BOM WG. (2) Coordinate with Defense Media Activity to create and share BOM content NLT 2 May 2023 that shows the importance of the battle. (3) Disseminate the BOM 81st Anniversary Communication Plan to ashore and afloat commands by 2 May 2023. This plan should include Navy's strategic message and talking points for this event. (4) Provide BOM metrics and any lessons learned to NHHC NLT 24 June 2023. e. Naval District Washington (NDW) will host the 81st Anniversary of Battle of Midway commemoration at 1000 (EDT), Tuesday, 6 June 2023, to enable local events to commemorate simultaneously across the nation during daylight hours. 5. Coordinating Instructions: Additional coordination instructions and tasking to be provided by separate correspondence (SEPCOR) as plans develop. 6. Administrative: a. The BOM toolkit will be available at the NHHC website ( b. Public Affairs Guidance: (1) The public affairs posture is active for this commemoration and all supporting events. (2) Public affairs guidance will be provided SEPCOR. 7. Point of contact. NHHC POC is Mr. Thomas Frezza, at comm: (202) 433- 0309 or via email: thomas.l.frezza.civ(at) 8. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//