CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 281447Z MAR 23 MID200080848241U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 077/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/ACTIVE-DUTY PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/211859ZDEC17// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/041953ZAUG22// REF/E/DOC/SECNAV/24JUL19// REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 304/17, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES. REF C IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF D IS NAVADMIN 176/22, POLICY UPDATE CONCERNING SERVICE-IN-GRADE RETIREMENT ELIGIBILITY FOR ACTIVE DUTY AND TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION FOR RESERVE LIEUTENANT COMMANDERS. REF E IS SECNAVINST 1920.6D, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICERS. REF F IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 30 NOVEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2022 Hanlon James Charles 1130 CAPTAIN LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 23 JUNE 2022 STAFF 01 AUGUST 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2023 Arnold Wendy Anne 2100 Baggett John P 1110 Bizzarri David Anthony 1310 Brandl Karl 1110 Calloway Joshua E 1510 Doss Roderick Hugh 2100 Fickens Jervia I 2900 Garcia Diana M 2300 Hutter Eric D 1310 Maloney Scott P 1110 Perez Alberto Oscar 1820 Pierce Edward Michael 2500 Shellock Matthew Ronald 1110 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 30 NOVEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 SEPTEMBER 2022 Walke Jarrett Cameron 6330 COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 01 AUGUST 2022 STAFF 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2023 Angeles Maximo Antonio 1310 Baquir Angelo B 2100 Barrow Taylor Christian 1310 Bjornnes Christopher D 1810 Bruhn Lowell Evan 1130 Carmichael Jason Ray 2900 Charles Miguel Duwayne 1110 Chen Jun Yi 1710 Chi Benjamin B 2100 Cooper Sarah Marie 1820 Freeman Andrew D 1440 Gage Michele M 2100 Geoghegan Brendan J 1820 Gibson Bria Chambers 1830 Graebner Keith Richard 1310 Jones Adam Matthew 1110 Kurzweg Brittany Lynn 2200 Lee James Patrick 1110 Ludwig Joshua 1120 Neumeyer Heather M 2300 Norton Sean Robert 1130 Oneill Benjamin Eugene 1200 Over Christopher John 5100 Peralta Jessie N 2900 Phillipslevine Trevor S 1310 Rakoski Christopher W 1110 Roselli Michael Vincent 1310 Rutledge Brian Jeffrey 1110 Santucci Jessica Ann 2100 Steinwand Aerrick Lee 3100 Stone Sanjay Samuel 1110 Udell Christopher James 2300 Uvila Gregory Dale 4100 Walker William Seay III 2200 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 30 NOVEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 SEPTEMBER 2022 Gorie Andrew Paul 1130 Jang Patric Chukuk 1120 Rhodeback Daniel Wayne 6180 LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 STAFF 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2022 Haskins Shineka Monique 6180 DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2023 Aguero Aubrey Denise 2300 Allvord Chase Everett 1110 Baker Logan Keith 1310 Berns Dylan Jeffrey 5100 Blanco Rachel Lynn 1110 Boosmann Taylor M 1120 Bowman Jennifer Nicole 2100 Boyle Samuel Raymond 1650 Bradley Alexandra Forth 2100 Brooks Jeremy Joseph 1110 Cadigan Timothy J III 1310 Cherry Jason Andrew 2900 Chester Daniel Arthur 4100 Corey Nicholas J 1310 Deitenbeck Darrell B 3100 Diaz Nestorvicente R 2900 Drake Catherine Eileen 1310 Drayton Amber Nicole 3100 Enerson Matthew Everett 1310 Felder Javon A 1820 Gorevin Grace Stapf 1830 Govoni Ryan Daniel 1310 Gray Michael James 2300 Gresham Daniel Curtis 1810 Gruber Jordan Scott 1310 Hadik Samuel Bela 1110 Hager Eric Dewey 6200 Hanlon Brendan Patrick 1120 Hanson David Walter 1820 Hirt Spencer Lee 2100 Hutchinson Nicholas A 1130 Iannuzzi Samantha M 2100 Keating Travis Michael 1310 Khushf Abigail C 1310 Konyk Danica Marie 1310 Lasalle Nicholas Robert 1310 Leatham Diana R Z 2500 Mccauley John 1200 Mckay Kyle Michael 6330 Melendezdiaz Anthony J 6120 Mormon Sean Joseph 6120 Morrill Trenton John 2200 Mourafetis Michael G 1130 Mramor Elizabeth Juel 2100 Osborn Jeffrey Edwin 2300 Pacheco Sebastian Jose 2500 Parker William B Jr 1130 Patrick Zachary Max 1140 Phelps Edwin A IV 1310 Putbrese Benjamin Lee 1310 Reich Zachary Douglas 1830 Ricks Joshua Patrick 1440 Rintz Marc William 1310 Rocha Abraham 1520 Roster Michael Andrew 5100 Sandroni Christian M 1310 Schmidt Jessica Luehrs 2900 Schulteis Matthew N 1310 Sheek Gordon Edward Jr 6490 Smith Rachel Ann 2300 Songer Alexandria M 1310 Stones Brett Richard 1310 Weisberg Bryan Matthew 1320 Wujek Jocelynn Knudsen 1310 Xu Dan 2300 Zamora Edgar Fabian 2100 Zarski Tomasz Jan 1810 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2021 Adams Kadeem Clairmont 3100 DOR/EFF DATE 01 FEBRUARY 2022 Gold Samuel Louis 2500 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2022 Ridgway Thomas J 1110 DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2023 Adam John Canaday 1110 Aldrich Laura R 2300 Allen Nigel Marquis 2300 Almanzanunez Joel 6130 Ashley Sarah Jean 1810 Atienza Donna Marie 1200 Avignone Micah Seth 2300 Babb Gavin D 1200 Bandavanis John Dean 1310 Beaman Todd Allen 1320 Boggs Bernardina 2300 Bowser Jacob Oliver 1320 Bozeman Tyler Michael 1310 Briggs Austin David 1120 Brink Brandan Scott 3100 Brown Ryan Anthony 1520 Calhoun Elliott Wayne 6120 Campbell Terrence C 6180 Carroll Kevin Joseph 3100 Cleaves Steven A Jr 1110 Cobb Caleb Brice 3100 Coleman John Michael 6180 Cribbs Charles Morris 2300 Cruzegues Alian 6130 Curry Robert Lewis III 6330 Davis Heidi Leeann 2900 Downey John Charles 1310 Drake Noah Stevenson 1310 Edwards Anthony Steven 1370 Egger Carlyjean Louise 3100 Errico Ryan Thomas 1310 Evbuomwan Jerry Uyi 4100 Farmer Dana Lavon 2300 Franze Nicholas Gary 1130 Frederick Allison Kay 2300 Frisbey Troy Eric 6180 Gaither Toriana Chavon 3100 Graham Kelsey Dubois IV 1310 Graydon Karen Sunaz 2300 Hagestuen Kurt Nathan 4100 Harris Benjamin Mcneil 1110 Hines Tyler Raymond 1110 Houck Joshua Lee 1310 Humphries Domicia L 2300 Hutchison James B Jr 1810 Ismail Mohammed 2300 Jenkins Jourdan E 3100 Johnson Michelle Andrea 2900 Johnson Paul Allen 1320 Joseph Roosevelt 2300 Kim Jeong Soo 5100 Labit Dustin James 1320 Lam Aaron Wyman 5100 Leinenweber Meredith L 2300 Li Suhang 3100 Lockard Steven Robert 6200 Long Collin Parker 1110 Lopez David Anthony 1820 Louck Shasta Marie 2300 Lynem Alexandria C 1830 Marner Michael Donald 1110 Martens Nicholas C 1320 Martinez Matthew V 1110 Masferrer Francisco H 1830 Matyas Andrew Keith 1110 Mcpeek Devon Tyler 3100 Merchant Deandre Rashon 1110 Milam Cody Allen 1650 Minnifield Jeremy Oneal 6130 Nazari Nicholas Majid 1110 Nehring Devin James 1110 Nimako Abena Abrafi 2900 Norvell Tyler Daniel 1390 Parr Michelle Ann 2300 Pollock Sean A 1390 Rawson Richard H 1210 Ridgelenglesby Courtney 1110 Rodriguez Andy De Jesus 5100 Salazar Michael T 6130 Salladay Brendon Al 1110 Salonga Ace Justin 1110 Sartin Sia Noelle 1110 Scherrer Joshua Thomas 2300 Selvitella Michael C 1810 Shepherd Heath Nicholas 6200 Steiner Andrew Joseph 6120 Sterling Anquanette T 2300 Stramanak Zachary Ian 1110 Svajdlenka Jeffrey Jon 2300 Swint Angela Kathleen 2300 Sympson Isaac Charles 1110 Taylor Christopher D 1310 Taylor Fortuna Debeck 2900 Tepley Alexander Dawson 1110 Thornton Kade Bryan 2300 Tobin Nicolas Frederick 4100 Todd Richard Justin 1310 Torrence Joseph Michael 1110 Torres Carol Kyungso 2900 Tweddle Morgan E 2300 Vandoornik Jason L 1120 Vanluven Anthony Ming 2300 Watts Graham F Jr 6280 Weatherford Erica M C 2300 Weitzman Kenneth David 1830 Wells Tammara Nicole 3100 Whigham Daren Drew 6390 Wilhite Nicholas Levi 1810 Williamson Oliver Ross 6330 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-5 No officers promoted in this category. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-4 DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2023 Chandler Eric Deandre 7121 Duca Samuel J 7321 Garcia Jaqueline 7521 Hammond Jeffry Allan 7121 Harris Allen Michael 7311 Kenton Jeromy Lewis 7121 Mcquown Nathan Dean 7111 Reine Kennon Chamil 7811 Robinson Curtis Junior 7411 Warren Andrew Scott 7181 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2023 Alvarezpena Georlando 7331 Anderson Joe Nathan Jr 7331 Arroyo Gabriela Nicte 7411 Bader Matthew Craig 7361 Barnes Keyla 7411 Benjamin Latoya Natalia 7331 Cheveres Grace Karla 7411 Cline Brad Anthony 7811 Cooper Steven Pierre 7181 Dlabaj Michael Alan 7821 Fine Gerald Evans 7131 Gallt Toby Walter 7811 Habtom Nabai G 7121 Harder Keith Alexander 7131 Hudnall Alan Kirk 7121 Johnson Derek 7821 Kehoe James Dustin 7331 Mcdowell Troy Michael 7201 Medrano Richard Noe 7321 Milligan John Thomas 7181 Northup Justin Lawrence 7281 Perez Hector Luis Jr 7131 Pugmire Courtney D 7151 Ren Matthew Gary 7361 Sauer Kurt John 7811 Sellers Andrew Todd 7151 Thurman Timothy Ryan 7411 Torrez James Ruben Jr 7111 Trump Douglas Erdell 7321 Vanderkamp Guy 7841 2. If a selected officer does not decline promotion in writing prior to the projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) within thirty (30) days of the release of this NAVADMIN. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy, or his designee, has the authority to delay projected promotions. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the promotion and not be tendered the promoting appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the notification of delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified in accordance with section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code. Per reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent Physical Fitness Assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System to ensure compliance with reference (a), as modified by reference (b), and delay the officers promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 of this NAVADMIN, if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) (Rev 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for permanent lieutenants and above. Use section 578 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for chief warrant officers. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) or email via MyNavy Career Center at 6. Officers should review references (c) and (d) for minimum time-in-grade (TIG)/service-in-grade (SIG) requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement. (NOTE: TIG/SIG requirements for active-duty lieutenant commander voluntary retirements changed with National Defense Authorization Act 2021. Update to reference (c) is pending.) Training and Administration of Reserve officers and those officers temporarily on active duty anticipating release from active duty under reference (e) may accept promotion without incurring any additional active-duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (f) for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//