CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 021751Z MAY 23 MID120000023827U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 102/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N4/MAY// SUBJ/NAVY UNACCOMPANIED HOUSING RESIDENT BILL OF RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES// REF/A/DOC/OPNAVINST 5009.1// NARR/ REF A IS OPNAVINST 5009.1, Responsibility for Housing and Lodging Program POC/MS. ANNIE FOWLER/GS-15/OPNAV N4I2Q/571-216-8455/EMAIL: SARA.A.FOWLER-MCWILLIAMS.CIV@US.NAVY.MIL. SUPPORTING POC/MS. CAROL HURD/CNIC N931B/CNIC N931B/202-433-3359/ EMAIL: CAROL.A.HURD2@US.NAVY.MIL RMKS/1. This message is an interim change to reference (a) and publishes the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for residents of Navy Unaccompanied Housing (UH). As part of Navy's Get Real, Get Better (GRGB) initiative, the Chief of Naval Operations and Fleet Commanders identified UH as one of the most impactful GRGB Lines of Effort stating that quality housing for our Sailors is a fundamental right. Likewise, maintaining cleanliness of UH and identifying and reporting deficiencies are the responsibilities of both our Sailors and the chain of command. 2. The Navy is committed to ensuring that UH residents are knowledgeable of their rights and responsibilities regarding quality housing and fair treatment while residing in government-owned and controlled UH. This bill of rights and responsibilities (BOR&R) outlines what expectations and responsibilities residents' have while residing in UH. 3. The Resident Rights for government-controlled UH are as follows: a. The right to reside in a community that is safe, secure, and meets applicable health and environmental standards, with well-maintained common areas, and amenities; b. The right to reside in a housing unit that has working fixtures, appliances, and utilities; c. The right to verify the condition and cleanliness of the assigned room, shared space (if applicable), and the furnishings provided during check-in and check-out inspections; d. The right to clearly defined regulations regarding occupancy of UH and use of common areas and amenities; and e. The right to report inadequate housing standards or deficits in habitability of the housing unit to the UH staff, housing management office, and the chain of command without fear of: (1) reprisal or retaliation; (2) decreased services or increased obligations as a Resident; (3) interference with right to privacy or harassment as a Resident; (4) refusal to honor the terms of occupancy; or (5) interference with the career of a Resident. 4. The Resident Responsibilities for government-controlled UH are as follows: a. The responsibility to take pride and ownership of your assigned quarters, common areas, and amenities, and to comply with UH Rules and Regulations. b. The responsibility to maintain Daily Living Standards in accordance with the Welcome Aboard Handbook. c. The responsibility to allow access to your room and shared space for inspections, necessary maintenance, and repairs. d. The responsibility to report any issues in the housing unit to the UH staff for corrective actions in a timely manner. e. The responsibility to provide a minimum of 30 days notification prior to move-out and correct any discrepancies identified during the pre- termination inspection prior to the final checkout inspection. 5. This BOR&R outlines what expectations and responsibilities residents' have while residing in UH. By 26 May 2023, Installation Commanding Officers must post the BOR&R throughout the UH facilities and incorporate the UH Resident BOR &R into all UH Welcome Aboard/ New Resident Orientation Handbooks. 6. Released by VADM R. L. Williamson, CNO N4.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//