CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 221612Z MAY 23 MID120000112947U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC NAVINSGEN WASHINGTON DC SECNAV WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 121/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// SUBJ/ NAVAL INSPECTOR GENERAL POLICY FOR INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED BY COMMAND INSPECTORS GENERAL REF/A/MEMO/NAVIG/Policy Memorandum Number 2023-01 REF/B/DOC/SECNAVINST 5430.57H/17DEC19// REF/C/10 USC 8014 REF/D/10 USC 8020 REF/E/10 USC 8032 REF/F/DOC/SECNAVINST 5430.7S/26AUG21// REF/G/JAGINST 5800.7G, CH-1 REF/H/OPNAVINST 5102.1E/23SEP21// NARR/REF A is Naval Inspector General Policy Memorandum Number 001 on Command Inspector General Investigations RMKS/1. On 4 May 2023, the Naval Inspector General (NAVIG) implemented reference (a) in accordance with his authority in reference (b). The purpose of the new policy is to more closely align the NAVIG Enterprise with the scope of investigations to which other Services appoint Inspectors General (IG), as well as to ensure independence and avoid conflicts in furtherance of the mission of the NAVIG Enterprise to operate "without command influence, pressure, coercion, or fear of reprisal" in accordance with reference (b). 2. Reference (a) is effective on date of issuance for new investigations, but allows for conclusion of ongoing investigations that were commenced prior to issuance. 3. In accordance with references (b) through (f), which establish the roles and authorities of the NAVIG, the new policy guidance clarifies that NAVIG Enterprise personnel shall not conduct, or be involved in conducting, investigations of matters that are not IG appropriate or that are conducted under other authorities, such as Preliminary Inquiries or Command Investigations pursuant to reference (g) and safety investigations pursuant to reference (h). 4. Reference (a) allows activity commanders with an assigned command IG to direct IG-appropriate investigations by their respective command IGs and personnel in the NAVIG Enterprise. All such investigations must be conducted in accordance with applicable DOD, SECNAV, and NAVIG regulations, policies, and guidance. a. Unless commanders are granted a written exception by NAVIG, NAVIG Enterprise personnel shall not conduct, or be assigned to conduct, investigations of matters that are not IG-appropriate or that are conducted under other authorities. b. Commanders retain the authority to implement corrective actions as they deem appropriate. c. Reference (a) does not affect other aspects of IG work such as reviews, assessments, and inspections that command IGs perform to support the command. 5. The Office of the Naval Inspector General will provide the signed policy directly to Echelon I and II Enterprise IGs and it is available to all NAVIG Enterprise personnel on the NAVIG internal SharePoint site. 6. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff on behalf of VADM John V. Fuller, Naval Inspector General (NAVIG). BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//