CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 241510Z MAY 23 MID120000126567U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 126/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/FISCAL YEAR 2024 ENLISTED TO MEDICAL DEGREE PREPARATORY PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT// REF/A/DOC/BUMED/7MAY15// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/171350ZJUL17// NARR/REF A IS BUMEDINST 1500.31, UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF THE HEALTH SCIENCES ENLISTED TO MEDICAL DEGREE PREPARATORY PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 177/17, NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS AND MODIFICATION TO FY-19 NUCLEAR LIMITED DUTY OFFICER IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT BOARD PROCESS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN solicits applications and provides guidance for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Enlisted to Medical Degree Preparatory Program (EMDP2), Cohort 11. 2. The EMDP2 is a 2-year undergraduate education program open to Sailors of all ratings who meet eligibility requirements in line with reference (a) and the EMDP2 website at The EMDP2 is a partnership between the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) and the military services to provide an opportunity for highly motivated, academically promising enlisted Service Members. The EMDP2 consists of intensive coursework, preparation, and mentoring to prepare students for application to medical school. Upon completion of the program, successful students will be competitive for acceptance to medical schools in the United States. 3. Selectees are assigned to the USUHS in Bethesda, MD for 2 years. Individuals selected for the EMDP2 program will remain on Active Duty while completing coursework and will receive pay, allowances, benefits, and privileges of their current paygrade. Selectees will receive permanent change of station orders to USUHS for the entire length of the course. USUHS will pay all school expenses (e.g., books, tuition, labs, etc.) for the entire length of the course. 4. Deadline for submission of applications for FY-24 enrollment is no later than 30 September 2023. Application packages must be received on or before the deadline date. No additional documents or packages will be accepted after this date. Application requirements are specified on the EMDP2 website, located at 5. Strict adherence to package submission requirements will be a primary factor for selection. Request that applicants review their package in its entirety before submitting it. A minimum score of "Good" on the latest physical fitness assessment and qualifying Scholastic Assessment Test/American College Test scores are required. 6. Applicants assigned to a nuclear training command or who hold a nuclear Navy enlisted classification (N13O, N13S, N14O, N14S, N15O, N15S, N16O, N16S, N23O, N23S, N24O, N24S, N25O, N25S, N26O, N26S, N59X, N89X) must obtain a conditional release from their nuclear field duty before submitting an EMDP2 application for consideration for the FY-24 board, in line with reference (b). To obtain a conditional release, applicants must submit an Electronic Personnel Action Request (NAVPERS 1306/7) to the Nuclear Propulsion Program Manager (OPNAV N133) via the detailer at Enlisted Nuclear Power/Submarine assignments (PERS-403). The FY-24 board will only consider nuclear enlisted candidates who have a conditional release included in their EMDP2 application. 7. Completed electronic applications and supporting documents should be submitted via Department of Defense Safe at to the following e-mail address: EMDP2- If documents are encrypted, e-mail the passphrase to Use the following naming convention for e-mails and document file names: LAST NAME (all caps), matriculation year, and last four digits of social security number, plus any other identifier you choose. Applicants can verify receipt of documents by phone at (301)319-0590 or e-mail EMDP2- 8. General questions on the EMDP2 should be sent to Point of contact for Navy service-specific inquiries is HMCM James S. Carbone, Office of the Hospital Corps, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, at (703) 681- 8943 or via e-mail at 9. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//