CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 011914Z JUN 23 MID120000164064U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 132/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO/N7/NOV// SUBJ/US NAVAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE MARITIME LOGISTICS PROGRAM CALL FOR APPLICATIONS// REF/A/MSG/SECNAV/171700ZJAN20// NARR/REF A IS ALNAV 009/20, SECNAV VECTOR 7.// RMKS/1. Reference (a) directed the formation of the first cohort of Navy and Marine Corps students for enrollment in the United States Naval Community College (USNCC) Pilot program. USNCC is taking applications for the first cohort of Maritime Logistics associate degree students with a deadline of 18 June 2023. There is no tuition, mandatory course fees, or course material costs incurred by parent commands or participating students. Multiple more convenings will occur this calendar year. Future application windows, including a window that will close 30 July 2023, will be promulgated on the USNCC website at, on USNCC social media sites, road show briefs, and additional messages. 2. Background. The USNCC started Pilot II in January 2022. The intent of this pilot is to evaluate academic programs, learning delivery systems, and student performance through the opportunity to complete online college courses. a. The next USNCC professional concentration area opening is Maritime Logistics (open application period starts June 2023 and course starts approximately August 2023). The Associate of Science in Logistics (Maritime) program examines the theories, concepts, and components of logistics, with particular attention to serving/supporting maritime and military logistics operations. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of logistics and supply chain management, communications, financial management and accounting, analytics, and the managerial skills necessary to be successful in maritime and military logistics, as well as supply chain management and logistics required in private industry. This program confers an associate degree with embedded certificates, to include the Naval Studies Certificate. b. The USNCC Naval Studies Certificate comprises five USNCC delivered courses and will be incorporated into all USNCC degree programs: (1) NAV 101 Naval Ethics & Leadership (2) NAV 102 Modern Naval History (3) NAV 103 Naval Force Design (4) NAV 104 Civilian / Military Relations, Organization, and American Government (5) NAV 105 Introduction to the Geopolitical Environment c. Classes are taught 100% online and asynchronously. Most courses are taught in the 8 to 16-week course format, depending on the schedule of the participating colleges and complexity of course material. For additional information regarding program requirements and course details, please visit the USNCC website at 3. Criteria: a. USNCC will accept program applications from all enlisted Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen subject to the following eligibility preferences: (1) Members of the Naval Services (Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) in any rating or MOS, in the pay grades of E-1 to E-9 may apply; prioritization of acceptance is dependent on the degree program. Junior service members will be prioritized. (2) All applicants must be on active duty and available to take online college courses. (3) Applicants must not have previously earned an associate or higher academic degree except as noted in paragraph (4). (4) Students that have previously earned a college degree may apply for the USNCC Naval Studies Certificate (expected start date Fall 2023). (5) Applicants must not be pending any legal or disciplinary action. (6) Applicants must have at least 90 days left on contract from the start of the course. (7) Applicants must be enlisted. (8) For programs that have more than one-degree path, applicants must only select/apply for one program. b. Qualified individuals will need a designated command representative/ Commanding Officer / Education Service Officer (at the E6 or higher level) endorsement. 4. Application Process: More information is available and applications must be submitted at the USNCC website at 5. Selection Notifications: The USNCC will make enrollment selections and accepted applicants will be advised of their selection status via email. 6. Point of contact: Mr. Alphonso Garrett, USNCC Director of Enrollment, at (703) 432-5608 or by email at 7. Request widest dissemination of the above information. Regional and installation education specialists are requested to pass this information to all interested personnel at home stations. 8. To arrange command visits or briefs, contact MCC Xander Gamble, USNCC Public Affairs Officer, at, or visit the USNCC website for more information. 9. This message will remain in effect until 30 September 2023 or until superseded. 10. Released by VADM J. W. Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development, OPNAV (N7).// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//