CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 071651Z JUN 23 MID600053048568U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 138/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N71/JUN// SUBJ/FY-24 GRADUATE EDUCATION VOUCHER PROGRAM// REF/A/DOC/OPNAVINST 1520.37B/26FEB13// AMPN/REF A IS GRADUATE EDUCATION VOUCHER (GEV) POLICY.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides details on the Graduate Education Voucher (GEV) program and guidance for FY-24 program application. Eligibility, obligated service requirements, subspecialty utilization tour, and authorized program benefits are prescribed in reference (a). Where information differs between this NAVADMIN and reference (a), this NAVADMIN takes precedence. 2. FY-24 GEV Opportunities. a. The GEV program provides an opportunity for selected Unrestricted Line Officers assigned to shore duty, whose career paths may not provide adequate opportunity for full-time education, to attain Navy relevant graduate education in selected areas of study during off-duty hours. b. GEV funding is for off-duty master degree programs, which meet the requirements of at least one approved Navy subspecialty code as verified by Naval Postgraduate School. c. For FY-24, 30 GEV quotas for select unrestricted line officers are planned, subject to funding availability, and all quotas must be allocated by 16 June 2024. d. Quotas are allocated as follows: Aviation officers - 11 Submarine officers - 7 Surface Warfare officers - 9 NSW officers - 2 EOD officers - 1 e. FY-24 quotas by area of study, subspecialty for an area of study, and warfare area are: Computer Science (6203P/G) AV 1 SUB 0 SURFACE 0 NSW 0 EOD 0 Computer Network Operations and Technology (6209P/G) AV 0 SUB 1 SURFACE 0 NSW 0 EOD 0 Cyber Systems and Operations (6208P/G) AV 0 SUB 0 SURFACE 2 NSW 0 EOD 0 Engineering (5XXXP/G) AV 5 SUB 3 SURFACE 3 NSW 0 EOD 0 Operations Research Analysis (3211G) AV 2 SUB 2 SURFACE 1 NSW 0 EOD 0 Regional/National Security Studies (2XXXP/G) AV 3 SUB 1 SURFACE 3 NSW 2 EOD 1 3. Policy Updates. a. Travel funding considerations will only be made for distance learning programs that have 20 percent or less mandated university main campus residency requirements. International travel will not be funded. b. GEV participants must submit GEV authorization documents to the school prior to the term start date to receive funding for the term. GEV funding will only be provided after an initial education plan is approved. 4. Application and Selection Process. a. Eligible officers may request consideration for a FY-24 GEV quota by submitting a formal letter of application to Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM) - PERS 41/42/43 as appropriate. b. FY-24 GEV applications will only be accepted from officers who have earned AQD 282 or 283 through their community talent management board. c. Selection and notification of selection for the FY-24 GEV applications quotas are made by PERS 41/42/43 throughout the fiscal year until they are allotted or by 16 June 2024, whichever comes first. d. Application and program specifics may be found in reference (a) and at the Navy College Program website ( Under Sailors select a) Additional Funding Programs and then b) Officer. 5. Points of contact. a. For FY-24 GEV quota availability contact your detailer. b. For policy questions, e-mail LT Matt Hinkson at 6. This message will remain in effect until superseded or cancelled, whichever occurs first. 7. Released by VADM J. W. Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development (N7).// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//