RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 1772309-UUUU--RHSSSUU ZNR UUUUU R 262308Z JUN 23 MID120000255485U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 143/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/ESTABLISHMENT OF MARITIME CYBER WARFARE OFFICER (MCWO) DESIGNATOR 188X// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/17JAN19// REF/B/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/21JUN22// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1210.5B, LATERAL TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION OF ACTIVE COMPONENT OFFICERS IN THE NAVY. REF B IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1212-010, LATERAL TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF DESIGNATOR CODES OF REGULAR AND RESERVE OFFICERS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the establishment of the Maritime Cyber Warfare Officer (MCWO) designator (188X) within the Information Warfare (IW) Community. 2. MCWO establishment is a major milestone in building out the Navy Cyber Community. MCWOs are experts in cyberspace operations focused on both Offensive Cyberspace operations (OCO) and Defensive Cyberspace operations (DCO). MCWOs will conduct repeat operational and leadership tours within the Cyber Operation Force (COF) and Cyber Mission Force (CMF), including tours on National Mission Teams, Cyber Mission Teams, Cyber Protection Teams, and Cyber Support Teams. MCWOs will have the opportunity to conduct exploitation analyst and integrated on net (ION) training as well as serve as team leaders, planners, and operations officers. Control Grade MCWOs will have opportunities for O5 command and major command, as well as senior staff positions at Fleet Cyber Command, Commander Tenth Fleet, Joint Force Head Quarters Cyber, Cyber Mission Force Pacific, and US Cyber Command. 3. The Active Component (AC) MCWO/1880 community is conducting an initial selection panel outside of the lateral transfer/redesignation board process for the initial conversion to MCWO. Applications for redesignation into the MCWO Community are now welcome for the next 90 days. Information Warfare Officer (IWO) qualified line officers with documented cyber focused education/training are eligible to apply. Officers currently serving-in or having completed a tour within the CMF are preferred. All applications must have the concurrence of the current (losing) community manager and detailer to ensure their eligibility for redesignation. Application package requirements are outlined in paragraph 4 of reference (a), which begin with the application being submitted to the current (losing) community manager via the commanding officer of the applicant. Completed applications should then be submitted via e-mail to Ms. Jana Rittman, Assistant IW Community Manager at BUPERS-31_IWC_FCT@NAVY.MIL no later than 90 days following the date of this NAVADMIN. Additionally, applicants can receive the most up-to-date guidance on the application process on the MCWO webpage located under the Information Warfare Officer Community Management tab at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community- Management/Officer/Active-OCM/Restricted-Line/Information-Warfare/. Applicants will be notified of their selection status once the initial list of MCWO accessions has been approved. 4. AC MCWO/1880 will begin accepting redesignation applications from all communities beginning with the February 2024 lateral transfer and redesignation board. Information on that process is available at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career- Management/Boards/Administrative/Transfer-Redesignation/. 5. The Reserve Component (RC) MCWO/1885 Community will begin conducting redesignation panels in Fiscal Year 2024 for conversion to MCWO. All applicants must meet eligibility requirements outlined in reference (b). Officers with documented Cyber focused education/training, Cyber industry certifications, and/or civilian experience are eligible to apply. Interested applicants can find application requirements and procedures posted on https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community- Management/Officer/Reserve-OCM/Selected-Reservists/RC-IWC/. All applicants require concurrence from their respective (losing) reserve officer Community Managers prior to submitting an application. All applicants must be able to obtain a top secret/sensitive compartmented information security clearance. Applicants will be notified of their selection status once the initial list is approved. Interested officers should contact the RC point of contact in paragraph 6. 6. For AC MCWO questions, contact LCDR Noadiah Sikinger, MCWO Officer Community Manager, phone (901) 874-2793, e-mail BUPERS-31_IWC_FCT@NAVY.MIL. For RC MCWO questions, contact Ms. Patricia Pifer, Reserve IW Officer Community Manager, phone (901) 874-2976, e-mail patricia.a.pifer.civ@us.navy.mil or LT Charles Youngblood, Reserve IW Assistant Officer Community Manager, phone (901) 874-4309, e-mail charles.c.youngblood.mil@us.navy.mil. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or cancelled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//