CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 141823Z JUL 23 MID120000297181U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 156/23 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/JUN// SUBJ/FLANK SPEED CONTINUED JOURNEY// REF/A/MSG/OPNAV N2N6/071910ZFEB22// REF/B/DOC/SECNAV/26JUL22// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 030/22 THAT PROVIDED AN OVERALL FLANK SPEED UPDATE DURING FY22. REF B IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION 5200.48 ON CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION. POC/ANDREJ STARE/CIV/OPNAV N2N6D2D3/TEL: (571) 256-8283 /EMAIL: ANDREJ.P.STARE.CIV(AT)US.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides updates to the latest Flank Speed capabilities and efforts since the last update provided in reference (a). As we continue to enhance users' experience, we ask for the Flank Speed community, from the top-down, to embrace the vast capabilities offered. Continue to leverage the information and training available on the Flank Speed HUB and provide feedback to help drive our future capabilities. 2. Flank Speed (FS) guidance, account management, infrastructure updates, and collaboration capabilities. a. The FS community is reminded of their responsibility to protect their personal data and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) per reference (b). Site and Teams owners are responsible for protecting hosted CUI. For additional CUI guidance and restrictions, users can access the CUI Primer site that is available on the FS Hub's Self Service and Support Page. In addition, users can visit the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer website for DON guidance on CUI ( b. Account Management: (1) FS Account Services Tool (FsAST). The Move, Add, Change/Naval Enterprise Cloud Service Tool was replaced by FsAST to manage FS accounts. Claimant Contract Technical Representatives (CTRs), or other authorized account managers, can use FsAST to request new accounts, service changes, and command transfers. Contact the FsAST Team for submission and processing questions at FsAST(at) and for application support at FsAST- Support(at) (2) Non-Person Entity (NPE) Accounts. CTRs or account managers can request NPE accounts through FsAST. Examples of NPE accounts are email distribution lists or shared mailboxes. The accounts are provisioned in Defense Enterprise Provisioning Online and require the utilization of Defense Instruction System Agency's naming convention. For a copy of the NPE naming convention template, or for additional guidance, contact the FsAST Team. (3) Account Disablement. Common causes for account disablements are Common Access Card (CAC) revocations, tenant entitlement changes (i.e., moving from Navy to Army), or cybersecurity network violations per DoDI 8170.01. If account issues are preventing users from accessing FS, they need to contact their Command Information Technology Support Staff, Information Systems Security Manager, FS Champion Representative, or Service Desk for support. c. Infrastructure and Application Updates: (1) Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) 'H' Drive and scan storage. Users' personal NMCI 'H' Drives are scheduled for decommission; however, the formal decommission dates are to be determined at this time. Customers are encouraged to move all files from their 'H' drive to their FS OneDrive. A list of blocked file types can be accessed via FathomBot. Customers can still scan files to their personal drives until the implementation of a final scan to file solution. (2) SharePoint Online (SPO). Over 146,000 sites have migrated to FS. Site Collection Administrators (SCAs) are reminded to maintain the material on their SPO sites current. (a) Guest customers who cannot view SPO sites should ask their SCA to validate their external sharing setting. The setting should be set to 'on' in order to view SPO sites. (b) SharePoint Framework (SPFx) applications at the site collection are approved for use by SPO developers in FS. (3) The Power Platform, a suite of tools that enable customers to create automated workflows, data visualizations, and applications, will be available to all customers on the network, using a virtual private network (VPN) or from home without a VPN, starting 1 June 2023. Click here to learn more about the efficiencies the Power Platform delivers and how it can support mission objectives: https://flankspeed.sharepoint- d. Collaboration Capabilities. Explore and leverage the vast capabilities to collaborate in FS. Navigate to to see the suite of available applications. Allow and make time to save time, innovate, and grow. (1) Department of Defense (DoD) Cross-Tenant Collaboration and Guest Communication is available in Teams by utilizing the full email address of the DoD or Commercial M365 customers to chat and call across tenants. Guides are available on the FS Hub's Self Service and Support Page that detail how to use cross-tenant capabilities. (2) Mark all Teams and Groups Private during setup. Public teams must be approved by the echelon II and can be requested via the FS Hub. (3) Teams meetings can be recorded with transcriptions. Recordings are automatically deleted after 60 days if not adjusted by the customer. (4) Nautilus Virtual Desktop (NVD) is the Navy's Virtualized Desktop Solution set. NVD is currently scaling up to 50,000 customers in order to further analyze use cases, cloud consumption, and workforce resiliency it delivers. NVD can be used from any compatible device, any network, and without the need of a VPN connection. No data ever resides on the endpoint device when using NVD; this removes potential for a data spillage to occur from NVD to a personal, company, or kiosk device. Contact the Command FS representative to obtain access to NVD. 3. The FS Hub is the centralized location for related documentation, guidance, policy, and support (https://flankspeed.sharepoint- The FS Hub will provide customers with: a. The Capabilities Roadmap that shows completed and targeted capabilities for the current fiscal year. b. The Dashboards site that provides various FS data metrics. Users who have a Power BI report that can benefit the larger FS community are encouraged to submit an online intake form on the Dashboards site so it can be shared with the larger FS community. c. The Digital Suggestion Box, which is a feedback mechanisms to guide future services and support. d. The Records Management Hub for training, guidance, and announcements. e. The SPO Information Hub for CUI guidance and SPO Ticketing System. f. Self Service and Support resources like FathomBot, "How To" guides, tips, video tutorials, policies, governance, and more. g. Weekly live training and events on the Virtual Training calendar. h. FS Evolve 365 learning portal that offers on-demand self-help training with thousands of 'snackable' videos and guidance. i. The FS Hub community page that connects our workforce with communities of common interest, such as, Coffee with a Customer Engineer to discuss common issues, Co-Developers Team, Power Platform Team, Innovation Team, FS Training Team, Navy Section 508 Team, Outside the contiguous United States Champion Network, and Navy Champion Network (NCN) who are collaborative, supportive, forward leaning, and resourceful. 4. Get Real, Get Better (GRGB). Our efforts aim to improve the customer experience and close the gap on commercial parity. The Voice of the Customer will help lead our actions towards GRGB as noted in the CNO's remarks better/. 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded, whichever occurs first. 6. Released by VADM Jeffrey E. Trussler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//