CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 272153Z JUL 23 MID120000330581U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 167/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUL// SUBJ/SEPTEMBER 2023 (CYCLE 260) ACTIVE-DUTY AND TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE RESERVE (TAR) E-4 THROUGH E-6 ADVANCEMENT AND MODIFICATION TO SELECTED RESERVE E-4 ADVANCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT (CYCLE 113)// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/19SEP18// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/272057ZDEC18// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/161157ZJUL20// REF/D/NPPSC/15MAR21// REF/E/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/201449ZDEC18// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/271705ZAPR20// REF/G/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/311716ZMAY23// REF/H/NPPSC/19FEB21// REF/I/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/221540ZDEC22// NARR/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF B NAVADMIN 316/18, ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET. REF C IS NAVADMIN 201/20, PROFESSIONAL MILITARY KNOWLEDGE ELIGIBILITY EXAM REVISED BUSINESS RULES. REF D IS OPS ALERT 011-21, PMK-EE REQUIREMENTS FOR E-4 NEW ACCESSIONS. REF E IS NAVADMIN 312/18, ADVANCEMENT POLICY UPDATE. REF F IS NAVADMIN 121/20, SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER TWO FOR E-4 THROUGH E-7 FEBRUARY 2020 (CYCLE106) SELECTIVE RESERVE AND MARCH 2020 (CYCLE 247) E-4 THROUGH E-6 ACTIVE-DUTY, FULL-TIME SUPPORT AND CANVASSER RECRUITER NAVY-WIDE ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATIONS. REF G IS NAVADMIN 131/23, FALL 2023 SELECTED RESERVE E-4 THROUGH E-6 ADVANCEMENT (CYCLE 113). REF H IS OPS ALERT 007-21, PMK-EE REQUIREMENTS FOR E-3 NEW ACCESSIONS. REF I IS NAVADMIN 288/22, HIGH YEAR TENURE PLUS PILOT. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for the administration of the September 2023 (cycle 260) Navy-wide advancement exam (NWAE) cycle as well as modification to the Selected Reserve (SELRES) August 2023 (cycle 113) NWAE cycle. All Active Duty (AD), Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR), and SELRES paygrades E-5 and E-6 will take NWAEs to compete for advancement. All AD, TAR, and SELRES E-4 candidates will compete for advancement via a modified alternative final multiple score (A-FMS). 2. In line with references (a) and (b), the enlisted advancement worksheet (EAW) is the authoritative source of all data used to determine cycle 260 candidates for E-4, E-5, and E-6 eligibility. Commands are to accurately validate, complete, and finalize all EAWs in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). EAW discrepancies may be addressed via the post- exam administration comment (PAC) process after worksheets are locked for the cycle. 3. Cycle 260 Timeline: a. 31 July 2023. Professional Military Knowledge – Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) completion deadline (E-5 and E-6 candidates). In line with reference (c), PMK-EE remains mandatory once per paygrade for all E-5 and E-6 candidates to be eligible for NWAE cycle participation. Refer to reference (d) regarding special exceptions for new accessions. b. 7 September 2023. E-6 exam administration. EAW will close one week after the exam date on the worksheet. c. 14 September 2023. E-5 exam administration. EAW will close one week after the exam date on the worksheet. d. 21 September 2023. E-4 EAW must be completed. e. Deviation from administration dates. In line with reference (a), commands that require reschedule of NWAE administration date (with valid reason) may request a deviation of NWAE administration from Enlisted Administrative Selection Board Branch (PERS-803). If authorized, NWAE administration will be completed by 30 September 2023. 4. E-4 Advancement and Eligibility Changes: a. To support transition to time-in-service (TIS) based advancements to E-4, the Fall 2023 advancement cycles (260 and 113) for E-4 advancements will be adjusted to transition the force over the next year. Specifically, calculations via a modified A-FMS will be heavily weighted towards longer Time-In-Rate (TIR), with increased quotas for ratings with historically slower advancement timing, and no requirement to complete PMK-EE for E- 4. The A-FMS computations will supersede the E-4 FMS computations in reference (e) and factor points in reference (f). b. In order to facilitate this transition, commands are directed to finalize or certify all Fall NWAE cycle E-4 EAWs in NSIPS as "Eligible for Advancement" or "Not Eligible for Advancement". The only criteria necessary to validate advancement eligibility are required TIR and current commanding officer's (CO) advancement recommendation. Each Sailor's Educational Services Officer (ESO) must certify E-4 EAWs as eligible if these two conditions are met. This guidance modifies reference (g) and applies to all E-4 candidates (AD, TAR, and SELRES). c. As a modification to references (a), (b), (c) and (h), the requirement for E-4 candidates to complete PMK-EE to be eligible for advancement to E-4 has been removed for cycles 260 and 113. 5. Cycle 260 eligibility requirements: a. Terminal eligibility date (TED). 1 January 2024. b. Minimum TIR. On or before 1 January 2021 for E-6, 1 January 2023 for E-5, 1 July 2023 for E-4. c. E-6 candidate TIR requirements for early promote (EP) can be waived by one year with CO or officer-in-charge (OIC) approval. EAW must be created manually for all who receive that waiver. Early promote candidates are still bound by the same PMK-EE deadline as regular TIR candidates. d. High-year tenure (HYT) date. In line with reference (i), all HYT dates through 30 September 2024 are suspended. All Fleet Reserve or Retirement requests prior to this date are considered voluntary. In the EAW, the "HYT Exceeded" entry may reflect "Yes" - when applicable, select "Yes" for "HYT Waived". e. Security/Interim security clearance (if required). Refer to chapter 2 of reference (a). All E-5 and E-6 NWAE candidates must have applicable adjudication (Top Secret or Secret) or CO/OIC interim clearance dated prior to 1 September 2023. If clearance is revoked, an exam is not authorized until the discrepancy is corrected. f. Performance Mark average (PMA). Compute PMA for all E-4 and E-5 candidates and Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average (RSCA) PMA for E-6 candidates in line with references (a) and (e). Use all applicable evaluations in current paygrade with an ending date that falls within the following periods: (1) E-4 - 1 January 2023 to 31 August 2023. (2) E-5 - 1 June 2022 to 31 August 2023. (3) E-6 - 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2023. 6. Cycle 260 Exam Ordering: a. In line with reference (a), ordering dates and TIR listings for all exams are on the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website: Select Exam and Ordering Date Chart. b. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) exams not included on initial TIR list must be ordered from Order exams in line with reference (a). c. Exam orders for non-SCI exams candidates not on initial TIR list must be ordered in NEAS Web using Department of Defense Identification Number. d. ESOs should verify placing exam orders within 7-10 days of ordering at *View Previous Exam Orders* link via the NEAS website, and should contact Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC N321) as needed for exam order inquiries and issues. e. Deploying commands and candidates departing to congressionally- designated combat zones and approved contingency operations areas (CDCZ/ACOA) can order exams up to six months prior to the scheduled exam date. For additional guidance, refer to chapter 4 and paragraph 614 of reference (a). f. Substitute Exams: (1) The deadline for ordering both SCI and non-SCI substitute exams is 30 September 23. (2) NETPDC N321 is the approval authority for all substitute exams. (3) Naval nuclear propulsion program training graduates who are enroute to their first at sea assignment during the E-5 examination date, will have substitute examinations ordered for them by ultimate duty station, if dates permit exam ordering before the published deadline. (4) Substitute examinations may be administered with regular exam administration or in line with paragraph 606 of reference (a). g. Submit *exception to policy* requests for candidates per paragraph 104 of reference (a). h. Below candidates are separated into competitive groups: (1) CTI. Middle East/North Africa (Group 1), East/Far East (Group 2), Latin/South America (Group 3), Eastern Europe (Group 4) (2) EMN, ETN, and MMN. Submarine (Group 1), Surface (Group 2), Training (Group 3). 7. Exam administration. Administer exam and return answer sheets in line with chapter 6 of reference (a). An exam tote board on the NEAS website displays current status of receiving answer sheets. 8. Discrepancy Correction: a. A detailed discrepancy list can be found on the NEAS website. Utilize the EAW PAC process for correcting discrepancies. Refer to reference (b). b. For guidance on missed exams due to CDCZ/ACOA, refer to reference (a). 9. Examination or A-FMS results will be available via NEAS profile sheets. 10. All additional information for this cycle is posted on the MyNavy HR advancements site, located at Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/Advancement/ and NEAS websites. 11. Points of contact: a. MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) at (833) 330-6622, b. PMK-EE at c. SCI exam questions and orders at (850) 473-5867/DSN 753, d. Non-SCI, late exam orders at (850) 473-6150/DSN 753, e. NWAE exam records or discrepancies at EAW PAC submissions or (850) 473-6148/DSN 753. Pre/post exam administration inquiries at 12. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 13. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//