CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 281639Z JUL 23 MID120000332400U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC NAVY INSIDER THREAT HUB ELEMENT WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 170/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/JUL// SUBJ/POLICY AND GUIDANCE REGARDING THE U.S. NAVY INSIDER THREAT PROGRAM// REF/A/EXECUTIVE ORDER 13587/07OCT2011// REF/B/DOC/SECNAVINST 5510.37A/28OCT2019// REF/C/DOC/NDAA FOR FY17, SECTION 922/30NOV2016// REF/D/MEMO/DUSN(I&S)/24JUN2022/NOTAL// REF/E/DOC/OPNAVINST 5510.165A/01OCT2015// REF/F/MSG/ALNAV 070/042232ZOCT07// REF/G/DOC/INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY DIRECTIVE 700-2/JUN2011// REF/H/MSG/NAVADMIN 015/211340ZJAN16// REF/I/DOC/CNSSD 504/SEP2016// REF/J/DOC/NATIONAL INSIDER THREAT TASK FORCE/21NOV2012// REF/K/DOC/SECNAVINST 5510.37A/28OCT2019// REF/L/MEMO/OPNAV N2N6/MAR2022// REF/M/MSG/NIWC PACIFIC SAN DIEGO CA/052306ZOCT21// POC/MR. NEVILLE SMITH/CIV/NIA N7/ARLINGTON VA/TEL: (703) 604- 5472/EMAIL: NEVILLE.R.SMITH.CIV(AT)US.NAVY.MIL/POLICY// POC/MS. ANGELA ONEAL/CIV/NIA N7/ARLINGTON VA/TEL: (703) 604- 5743/EMAIL: ANGELA.R.ONEAL2.CIV(AT)US.NAVY.MIL/RANDOM POLYGRAPH// POC/MR. TYREE SCOTT/NIA N7/SUITLAND MD/TEL: (301) 669-2898/EMAIL: TYREE.C.SCOTT.CIV(AT)US.NAVY.MIL/NAVY UAM CENTER// NARR/REF A DIRECTS STRUCTURAL REFORMS TO CLASSIFIED NETWORKS TO ENSURE RESPONSIBLE SAFEGUARDING OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION CONSISTENT WITH PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES. REF B PROMULGATES POLICY AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE INSIDER THREAT PROGRAM (INTP). REF C DIRECTS DOD TO ESTABLISH A PROGRAM FOR INFORMATION SHARING PROTECTION AND INSIDER THREAT MITIGATION. REF D SEPARATES THE SINGLE DEPT OF NAVY (DON) INSIDER THREAT ANALYTIC HUB TO ONE FOR NAVY AND ONE FOR MARINE CORPS. REF E ESTABLISHES THE NAVY INTP. REF F SETS POLICY ON PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION INDIVIDUAL AWARENESS, TRAINING, COMPLIANCE, AND REPORTING. REF G DESCRIBES USE OF AUDIT DATA FOR COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, INFORMATION ASSURANCE, BUSINESS ANALYTICS, PERSONNEL SECURITY, AND OTHER AUDIT NEEDS. REF H DESCRIBES MEASURES TO MITIGATE AND DETER POTENTIAL INSIDER THREAT TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, SYSTEMS, AND NETWORKS. REF I DEFINES USER ACTIVITY MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. REF J LEVERAGES EXISTING LAWS, STATUTES, AND RESOURCES TO COUNTER INSIDER THREAT. REF K ESTABLISHES THE DON INTP. REF L DELEGATES AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO NAVAL INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITY TO MANAGE AND OVERSEE NAVYS INTP. REF M ADDRESSES UPDATED MCAFEE ENDPOINT PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT CANES SW2.X AND SW3 STIG REQUIREMENTS ON CANES CENTRIXS (SR) AND SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION (SCI) SECURITY ENCLAVES ON FORCE AND UNIT LEVEL PLATFORMS.// RMKS/1. Navys InTP identifies potential malicious insiders within the U.S. Navy and reports those personnel to leadership to prevent or mitigate activity that could be harmful to Navy personnel, resources, or information. InTP is a centralized Navy Program, mandated by reference (a) and focused on early identification and reporting of any potential malicious activity. This NAVADMIN identifies critical actions to further posture the InTP to help every Navy command guard against such threats and to mature processes and readiness to stay ahead of the constantly evolving threat. In addition to the InTP, this message tasks Commands to take actions to empower Navys User Activity Monitoring (UAM), giving the UAM access to critical information sources that aid in identifying Insider Threats through online communications activities. We must work together to increase our chances in early identification of such threats to our mission. 2. InTP has six lines of operation: (1) Navy Insider Threat (InT) policy, (2) UAM on Navy classified networks and systems, (3) Navy InT Analytical Hub operations, (4) Random Polygraph Program for Navy Privileged Users (PU), (5) Navy InT Strategic Engagement and Outreach Program, and (6) posturing Navy to meet National Insider Threat Task Force and DoD InTP standards. Navy InTP is managed by OPNAV N2N6 serving as the Navy Executive Agent for Insider Threat. 3. Insider Threat: Commanders, Directors, and Supervisors at all echelons must establish a culture of InT awareness and deterrence by reinforcing InT training and education and emphasizing Sailors and employees duties and responsibilities to notify appropriate leadership of suspicious behaviors or activities. A single insider threat, through any number of malicious activities, can directly and negatively impact readiness, morale, trust, and credibility of the Navy within the United States and with our allies abroad. A malicious insider with the appropriate access can cause significant impact to the Fleet and the Joint force, harming our ability to accomplish our Nations mission. Commanders must be watchful for the InT and ensure prompt, decisive action is taken when provided with evidence of a potential malicious insider. At a minimum, Commanders will: a. Develop command policies that support Navy InTP, as outlined in reference (e), and comply with National, DoD, DON, and Navy InTP policies, including, but not limited to, those pertaining to OPNAVINST 5510.165. Include procedures to report perceived InTs to the Policy POC listed above. b. Designate a command InT Representative to coordinate with the Navy InTP. Email the InT Representatives contact information to the Policy POC listed above. c. Upon receipt of a Navy Insider Threat Risk Analysis (ITRA) memorandum from the Navy InT Hub, report to the InT Hub all mitigating actions taken within 30 days of initial receipt of the ITRA. d. Direct all cleared employees complete InT awareness training: DON-CIAR-1.0-NCIS Counterintelligence and Insider Threat Awareness and Reporting Training available in TWMS at Training must be completed 30 days of initial employment, entry-on-duty, or following the granting of access to classified information and annually thereafter. Report completion to the Command InT Representative. e. Report potential InT activity via the command InT Representative or directly to the Navy Insider Threat Hub. InT reports of potential malicious insider activity can be submitted through the DON InT Reporting Portal at or by contacting the Navy InT Hub at (703) 695-7700 or insiderthreat.fct(AT) (1) Navy Reporting Criteria and Potential Risk Indicators (PRI) for InT are listed below. Any activity observed under the listed criteria should be reported to the chain of command and to the Navy InT Hub. All reports made to the Navy Hub will be compliant with personally identifiable information (PII) handling standards per reference (f). Criteria 1: Serious Threats (e.g. threatening violence in the workplace) Criteria 2: Allegiances Against the United States/Terrorism (e.g. expressing ill-will towards the government) Criteria 3: Espionage/Foreign Considerations (e.g. unreported foreign contacts or relationships) Criteria 4: Unusual Behavior and Signs of Excessive Stress (e.g. extreme changes in behavior) Criteria 5: Criminal, Violent, or Abusive Conduct (e.g. involvement in criminal activity) Criteria 6: Financial Considerations (e.g. unexplained affluence) Criteria 7: Self-Destructive Behaviors or other Behavioral Considerations (e.g. suicidal ideations) Criteria 8: Security Infractions or Violations (e.g. willful or negligent compromise of classified data) Criteria 9: Misuse of Information Technology (e.g. negligent misuse; malicious damage/destruction) Criteria 10: Personnel Security and Human Resources Considerations (e.g. absent without leave) f. For Navy ashore SIPRNet and JWICS network owners and afloat units operating CANES: (1) Provide the Navy InTP access to appropriate data streams (i.e. audit logs, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Active Directory, etc.) and records to allow for effective Insider Threat Program analysis. (a) Provide LDAP data in .csv file format to the Navy UAM POC listed above. LDAP data transfer and ingestion will occur by the eigth day of the first month of each quarter (8 January, 8 April, 8 July, and 8 October). The Navy UAM Center will maintain secure control of the data, ensuring only authorized personnel are permitted to review LDAP data. (b) LDAP data must contain: 1. User Principal Name (UPN) 2. User DoD ID Number 3. Common name 4. Command 5. Department 6. Email address 7. Supervisor 8. Telephone number 9. Title (2) Provide the Navy InTP a POC for all network owners and alternates, to include the Information System Security Manager (ISSM) name, email address, and contact number. (3) Maintain and share situational awareness of the network environment with the Navy InTP to facilitate accurate identification of anomalous activity, for example network outage vice sabotage. (4) Incorporate InT mitigation requirements into planning, programming, readiness, and inspection decisions. (5) For Commands with CANES SW2/SW3 installed per reference (m), report ship name, CANES install date, and ship Information System Security Manager (ISSM) contact information to the UAM POC listed above. Once received the Navy UAM Center will provide a testing schedule to validate UAM access. 4. Random Counterintelligence (CI) Polygraph Program for Privileged Users (PU): Recent high-profile compromises highlight the need to increase the frequency of Random CI Polygraph Program for PUs, those with system administrator or similar accesses. Per reference (h) and to better respond to this type of threat, Commands will ensure Navy PUs with enhanced access to JWICS receive a CI polygraph once every two years. a. InTP will manage and coordinate the Random CI Polygraph Program for PUs with both NCIS and the associated command. InTP will enroll all PUs in DoDs continuous monitoring program and random polygraph pool to ensure appropriate management. b. Commands that manage Navy JWICS networks and systems will provide a list of military, civilian, and contractor PU to the Navy InTP Polygraph POC listed above. Provide an Excel spreadsheet indicating the name of the PU, classified systems of privileged access, job function, DoD ID number, command, and date of last polygraph. Commands will maintain an inventory of PUs and routinely review and revalidate PU status to verify the privileges are commensurate with the individuals job requirements. 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded. 6. Released by VADM Jeffrey E. Trussler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//