ROUTINE R 141335Z AUG 23 MID120000369610U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 187/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// REF/A/CNO/OPNAVINST 5726.8B// NARR/REF A is CNO's Outreach: America's Navy// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/AUG// SUBJ/248TH NAVY BIRTHDAY PLANNING ORDER// RMKS/1. 13 October 2023 will mark the Navy's 248th Birthday. The central theme of this year's 248th Birthday and Heritage Week will be "248 years of Power, Presence and Protection," which highlights the U.S. Navy's historical and long standing commitment to being forward deployed, highly trained and dedicated to defending American interests at sea, land or sky. Beginning with the establishment of our Navy in 1775 and continuing to our current modern fleet, our Navy has stood the watch. We continue to deploy forward as our nation's vital maritime maneuver force, persistent, versatile and capable of winning any fight, and ready for the challenges of an unpredictable future. 2. Today, the Navy's Birthday celebrates our traditions of honor, courage and commitment, and recognizes Sailors past and present who are the foundation upon which we have built the world's greatest Navy and secured victories for our nation. 3. Commander's Intent. a. Purpose: Celebrate 248 years of naval history on or around 13 October 2023. b. Method: Execute a global birthday celebration with events in a manner that bring honor and respect upon our service and adhere to local command budget and health guidelines. c. End State: Instill in our Sailors and communicate with the public the importance of, and a sense of pride in, our Navy's history and heritage. Harness the unique stories of the entire Navy force uniformed Sailors active and reserve, officer and enlisted, and civilians to showcase the Navy's value and relevance. Celebrate our hard-fought victories in all domains and honor our shipmates who have stood and stand the watch. 4. Tasks. a. Director, Navy Staff (DNS) will oversee planning and program development for the annual Navy Birthday celebration. b. Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) will: (1) Oversee the execution of Navy Birthday events. (2) Provide digital resources for use by U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC); Commander, Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT); Commander, Naval Reserve Forces Command (COMNAVRESFOR); Commander, Naval Installations Command (CNIC); Chief of Navy Information (CHINFO); Regional Commanders and Commanding Officers (COs) and Officers in Charge (OICs). (3) Provide Navy Birthday toolkit at: (4) Collect information from USFFC, COMPACFLT, CNIC, COMNAVRESFOR, CHINFO, and Navy District Washington (NDW) regarding specific celebratory activities. (5) Develop and make available on NHHC's website a body of lessons learned from previous Navy Birthday celebrations. (6) Produce Plan of the Day historical notes for each warfare community for the week leading up to the celebration. c. USFFC and COMPACFLT, and all assets therein, will: (1) Ensure COs and OICs plan for and celebrate the 248th Navy Birthday. Events shall be coordinated with appropriate Region or Operational Commanders to support the requirement for coordinated ceremonies and reported to NHHC. (2) Execute Communication Plan and participate in planned community activities as operationally feasible. (3) Provide lessons learned to NHHC NLT 3 November 2023. (4) Report command-specific scheduled celebratory activities to NHHC weekly starting 4 September 2023 during working group meetings. A downloadable reporting document will be made available as part of the toolkit. d. CNIC will: (1) Ensure Regional Commanders host a Navy Birthday ceremony and other celebratory activities during Navy Birthday and heritage week. (2) Assist and direct Regional Commanders with a bell ringing ceremony and assist subordinate commands with other Navy Birthday celebrations. (3) Provide lessons learned via the notes section of the reporting document to NHHC NLT 3 November 2023. (4) Execute Communication Plan and participate in planned community activities as operationally feasible. (5) Report command specific scheduled celebratory activities to NHHC weekly starting 8 September 2023. e. COMNAVRESFOR will: (1) Ensure Regional Reserve Component Commanders and Navy Reserve Center (NRC) host a Navy Birthday celebration, bell ringing, and other celebratory activities during Navy Birthday week; including during October 2023 drill weekends, or as close to 13 October 2023 as feasible. (2) Provide lessons learned via the notes section of the reporting document to NHHC NLT 3 November 2023. (3) Execute Communication Plan and participate in planned community activities as operationally feasible. (4) Report command specific scheduled celebratory activities to NHHC weekly starting 8 September 2023. f. CHINFO will: (1) Develop a Navy Birthday Communication Plan in coordination with NHHC and provide to ashore and afloat commands by 21 August 2023. This plan should include Navy's strategic message and talking points for this event linked to reference (a) efforts. g. Naval District Washington (NDW) will: (1) Execute a bell ringing ceremony in honor of those who stood the watch in our nation's Navy. Report bell ringing and other celebratory actions to NHHC that support the requirement to commemorate the Navy Birthday. (2) Provide DNS with plan of action and milestones for the execution of the National Capital Region (NCR) Navy Birthday Celebration NLT 11 September 2023. (3) Provide lessons learned from the NCR ceremony to NHHC NLT 3 November 2023. 5. Admin. a. The following are directed to be available at the NHHC website ( NLT 28 July 2023: Plan of the day historical notes for the week of Navy Birthday, commemoration script templates, history stand-down lessons, and a template for Navy Birthday bell ringing. b. Regional Commanders, COs and OICs will use NHHC and CHINFO products to inform and motivate their Sailors. c. Discretionary celebratory events. The following is a list including, but not limited to, events that Commanders may schedule: (1) Bell ringing ceremony (2) Plan of the day notes (3) Cake cutting (4) History stand-down (5) Reading of SECNAV/CNO Birthday messages (6) Command picnics/fun day (7) Golf tournament (8) Awards ceremony (9) Chief's mess/wardroom luncheons (10) Classic Navy movie presentation (11) Birthday run (12) Re-enlistments (13) Birthday ball/dining out d. Public Affairs Guidance (1) The PA posture is active for birthday events. (2) Public affairs guidance will be provided SEPCOR. 6. Command relationships. a. NHHC is the supported command. b. USFFC, COMPACFLT, CNIC, CHINFO, COMNAVRESFOR, and NDW are supporting commands. c. Supplemental Navy Birthday PLANORDS will be released to assist COs and OICs in order to implement a successful Navy Birthday celebration. 7. Point of Contact (POC). a. NHHC POC is Mimosa Whiting, comm: 202-433-0301, email: mimosa.whiting.civ(AT) b. Supporting commanders provide primary POC contact information to Mimosa Whiting by 21 August 2023. 8. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//