CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 211725Z SEP 23 MID120000464588U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 223/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/FY23 FLIGHT HOUR VERIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR CONDITIONAL AVIATION INCENTIVE PAY AND HAZARDOUS DUTY INCENTIVE PAY FOR FLYING// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/1OCT19// REF/B/DOC/DOD/APR23// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 7220.18, AVIATION INCENTIVE PAY AND BONUS PROGRAM. REF B IS DOD 7000.14-R, VOL. 7A, CHAPTER 22, AVIATION INCENTIVE PAYS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 flight hour verification process for conditional Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP) and Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for Flying (HDIP-F). Per reference (a), all recipients of conditional AvIP or HDIP-F are required to track flight hours per month, and report them to Navy Personnel Command (NPC) AvIP Program Manager (PERS-435). Commanding officers and other reporting seniors are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of flight hour verification letters for officers under their charge, and reporting such by endorsing verification letters on command letterhead. Templates for the reporting senior endorsement, as well as an example of the verification letter, can be found on the NPC website at Aviation/OCM/Monthly-Flight-Pay/. 2. Conditional AvIP may be paid to those aeronautically designated officers in the following categories: a. Aeromedical officers. b. Aviation officers who would otherwise be eligible for continuous AvIP, but have not met the months of operational flying requirements at the 12-year or 18-year gate. c. Aviation officers who have completed the continuous AvIP program after 22 years (after passing the 18-year low gate) or 25 years (after passing the 18-year high gate). 3. In order to be eligible for conditional AvIP, an officer must be under orders to Duty in a Flying Status Involving Operational or Training Flights (DIFOPS), must occupy a billet designated XXX1 or XXX2 (a DIFOPS billet), and must fly the minimum hours prescribed in reference (b). 4. HDIP-F may be paid to non-aeronautically designated officers required by competent orders to participate in regular and frequent aerial flights as crew or non-crewmembers. HDIP-F eligibility requires a non-aeronautically designated officer to be under orders to duty involving flying as a technical observer. All must fly the minimum hours prescribed in reference (b). Officers entitled to AvIP are not entitled to HDIP-F. 5. Any officer who received any conditional AvIP or HDIP-F payment during FY23 is required to provide total flight hours, by month, from 1 October 2022 through 30 September 2023 to PERS-435A no later than 30 November 2023. Required format for flight hour submissions and commanding officer endorsement letters are provided in the templates located on the NPC website at 43-Aviation/OCM/Monthly-Flight-Pay/. If a member did not complete the minimum flight hour requirements as established in reference (b), unearned AvIP/HDIP-F will be recouped. Underpayments will also be corrected. If no flight hours are submitted by 30 November 2023, the officer's entitlement to AvIP or HDIP-F will stop and he or she will forfeit the entire FY23 entitlement to conditional AvIP or HDIP- F. The repayment process of the AvIP received will be initiated as applicable. It is the responsibility of each individual recipient of conditional AvIP/HDIP-F to ensure that the flight hour verification letter and endorsement are completed in line with reference (a), to deliver them on time by e-mail to PERS-435, and to verify that they have been received by PERS-435 (see e-mail contacts below). 6. Members must send original flight hour submissions and command endorsements by e-mail to the program manager at If e-mail is not possible, please fax to 901-874-2721 or mail hard copies to: Commander, Navy Personnel Command PERS-435 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-4300 7. Once flight hours are received, verification of hours flown and monthly entitlement(s) earned will be calculated by PERS-435. Overpayment and underpayment cases will be forwarded to Defense Financing and Accounting Service for appropriate corrective action. Negotiation of repayment plans for recoupment may be discussed directly with the member's servicing personnel office. 8. Point of contact for AvIP and HDIP-F policy is LCDR Lindsay McCammond (PERS-435), at (901) 874-3484 or via e-mail at 9. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 10. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//