CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 252004Z SEP 23 MID120000477112U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 232/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/FY24 UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY LEADERSHIP EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT MASTERS PROGRAM// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces application procedures for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) master's program. The United States Naval Academy (USNA) is seeking applications from motivated, academically, and professionally qualified unrestricted line and information warfare officers for the FY24 LEAD master's program. Selected officers will serve as both company officers and role models for our future naval officers. The USNA LEAD master's program is a unique opportunity for junior officers to participate in a 36-month graduate education and leadership experience. The program combines a fully-funded master's degree in leadership education and development from the Naval Postgraduate School, with a required two-year follow-on commitment as a company officer at USNA in Annapolis, MD. Officers attend distance learning classes at the USNA. 2. Additional information can be found on the USNA website at 3. Community specific eligible year groups (YG) and additional eligibility requirements follow: a. Surface Warfare (1) Eligible YG: YG20 surface warfare qualified officers who have demonstrated superior performance at sea, have screened for department head (DH) afloat, and who have the career timing to support a 36-month shore duty assignment prior to their 7.5-year mark of commissioned service. Select YG19 surface warfare officers may be eligible depending on career timing and current shore duty assignment. Nuclear trained officers are also eligible, however, due to the specific nature of their career timing, it is understood that they will rotate earlier than 36 months for DH school timing. All YG19 and YG20 officers should contact their respective Surface Warfare Officer Assignment Division (PERS-41) junior officer detailer to determine their timeline to DH school. (2) Eligible officers will compete for USNA LEAD nominations via the PERS-41 talent management board. PERS-41 junior officer detailers will assist the nominated officers with their online nomination package submission. All talent management board details will be announced via separate correspondence and support the timeline defined in this NAVADMIN. (3) A DH retention bonus contract must be submitted immediately upon selection for the LEAD program. DH school attendance and the successful completion of two DH tours as defined by PERS-41 is required following the completion of USNA assignment. b. Submarine: (1) Eligible YG: YG19 and 20. (2) Submarine Office Distribution Division (PERS-42) will review all applications and recommend for selection top performing officers who can meet submarine officers advanced course (SOAC) gate at 7.5 years of commissioned service. SOAC attendance and completion of a DH tour is required following completion of USNA assignment. (3) Eligible officers will compete for nominations via the PERS-42 talent management board. Application materials required for the talent management board are listed in paragraph four. (4) A Nuclear officer bonus contract must be submitted immediately upon selection. SOAC attendance and the successful completion of a DH tour as defined by PERS-42 is required following the completion of USNA assignment. c. Aviation: (1) Eligible YG: YG17-18 (eligible for first shore tour). (2) Eligible officers will compete for USNA LEAD nominations via an USNA run talent management board. Primary criteria utilized for selection will be past performance, qualifications, career timing, and community needs. Interested officers should contact their respective Aviation Officer Distribution (PERS-43) detailer for assistance with nomination package submission. d. Special Warfare: (1) Eligible YG: No restriction. (2) Prospective applicants must be screened by the DH board and education panel and have signed the naval special warfare officer continuation pay. Applicants meeting these criteria will compete for Naval Special Warfare Division (PERS-415) nominations based on their performance, academic qualifications, and suitability for the program. e. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD): (1) Eligible YG: YG16-18. (2) Prospective applicants must have completed an EOD company commander tour, be administratively board screened for EOD DH, and signed the EOD warfare officer retention bonus. Applicants meeting these criteria will compete for EOD Officer Assignment and Placement Division (PERS-416) nominations based on their performance, academic qualifications, and suitability for the program. f. Information Warfare: (1) Eligible YG: No restriction. (2) Prospective applicants will compete for USNA LEAD nominations via the Information Warfare Community (PERS-47) talent management board. Primary criteria utilized for selection will be past performance, qualifications, career timing, and community needs. Interested officers should contact their respective PERS-47 detailer for assistance with nomination package submission. 4. Interested officers must: a. Complete an application and forward to respective detailer. A sample can be found at Application.php. The application package must include: (1) Completed application page (PDF fillable version found at the website above). (2) Personal statement that specifically addresses the reason for the application to the LEAD program, how the program fits into your career goals, and your expectations with respect to the program. (3) Biography (following the format provided at the website above). (4) All higher education transcripts. (5) Chain of command endorsement (required). (6) Additional professional and academic letters of recommendation (desired, not required). (7) Copy of performance summary report, officer summary record, and last five fitness reports. b. Communicate intentions to apply for this program to the cognizant detailer to ensure adequate career timing. All applications will be vetted through detailers to verify career timing impact. 5. Applications are due to Doctoral Studies Program Screening Board (PERS- 443) no later than 1 October 2023. If applying to a community specific talent management board, please adhere to community guidelines. 6. Point of contact is LT Jacob Jepsen (PERS-443), at (901) 874- 3996/DSN 882, or via e-mail at 7. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//