CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 101612Z OCT 23 MID600053384111U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 244/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC //N7// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC //N7// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N71/SEP// SUBJ/ACADEMIC YEAR 2024 EXPEDITIONARY WARFARE SCHOOL MARINE AIR GROUND TASK FORCE OPERATIONS AFLOAT COURSE// RMKS/1. The United States Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School is seeking Navy officers to attend its Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations Afloat course at Quantico, Virginia in January 2024. This funded 11-week course will give students a deeper understanding of modern amphibious warfare and sea-based expeditionary operations and their associated planning processes with a focus on understanding naval warfare across all domains. The course offers all designators opportunities to better understand naval integration particularly in regards to the Marine Corps Planning Process, embarkation, and employment of the Marine Air Ground Task Force. The Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations Afloat course is scheduled for 08 January-22 March 2024. Entry deadline is Friday, 17 November 2023. 2. The goal of Expeditionary Warfare School is to provide junior officers with the academic foundation, warfighting ethos, and professional growth that will enable them to excel in billets of greater leadership responsibility across the Navy, Fleet Marine Force, and the Joint Force. The course places emphasis on the warfighting capabilities of a Marine Air Ground Task Force operating within a complex and distributed Naval expeditionary environment. Expeditionary Warfare School hosts more than 35 Joint Officers from the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Space Force. Additionally, Expeditionary Warfare School hosts 20 officers from partner and allied nations. The Marine Corps selects its most competitive junior officers to attend this course in residence, making Expeditionary Warfare School a tremendous networking opportunity to build relationships with the Marine Corps' future leaders. a. The Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations Afloat course is an 11-week block of instruction designed to educate students on sea-based Marine Air Ground Task Force operations through the lenses of naval military theory, maneuver warfare, and Navy and Marine Corps integration. The course educates and trains students in a range of naval expeditionary operations while applying the Marine Corps Planning Process. b. The Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations Afloat course comprises four sub-courses: Maritime Expeditionary Environment, Amphibious Doctrine and Fundamentals, the Amphibious Ready Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit, and Amphibious Planning Exercises. c. The Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations Afloat Course Outcomes: (1) Understand the expeditionary naval environment, naval operations, and naval campaigns with an emphasis on the littorals. (2) Understand the Marine Corps role in supporting naval operations and complexities associated with enabling joint operations. (3) Understand the capabilities of the Amphibious Ready Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit. (4) Apply Navy and Marine Corps doctrine, maneuver warfare philosophy, and the Marine Corps Planning Process to solve complex problems in contested maritime terrain. (5) Apply naval and joint doctrine to develop a combined arms, multi-domain tactical plan for a sea-based Marine Air Ground Task Force. d. The Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations Afloat block is taught in residence at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, by Marine, Navy, and Army instructors. The school utilizes lectures, seminar discussions, and deliberate planning practical exercises. U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Space Force students from the Joint Force and international military officers from partnered and allied nations contribute to the broader understanding of the multi-service requirements to fight and win in the maritime environment. 3. Eligibility. The course is open to active duty officers in the paygrades of WO-1 to CWO-3 and O-2 to O-3 in all designators. Preference will be given to Unrestricted Line designators and to members of the Medical Service Corps. 4. Administration and Logistics. a. Application. Officers desiring to attend the course must apply by submitting the following documents: (1) Special request chit endorsed by Commanding Officer requesting to attend. (2) Service Member Biography to include education and military experience. (3) Submit your application with the documents listed above to the point of contact email address in paragraph 6.a.2 below. (4) Upon graduation, students will receive the BX1 Additional Qualification Designator and a graduation certificate. b. Logistics. (1) TAD Travel. Marine Corps University will fund travel, lodging, car rental, and per diem via the Defense Travel Service. Creating a travel authorization in DTS is the traveler's responsibility, however the Expeditionary Warfare School S-1 is available to assist as needed. Coordination will be made with Expeditionary Warfare School S-1 via POCs listed in section 5a. (2) Berthing. Expeditionary Warfare School S-1 will coordinate with attendees for lodging. If on-base government lodging is not available, Expeditionary Warfare School S-1 will coordinate with attendees to obtain a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) prior to making other lodging arrangements. If a CNA is issued, attendees will need to book commercial lodging through the Defense Travel System. (3) Transportation. When arranging air transportation, attendees must choose the most cost effective General Services Administration City Pair Fare. Travel shall be completed to check-in no later than 0800 on 08 January 2024 with Expeditionary Warfare School S-1 at Geiger Hall. Return travel will be no earlier than 22 March 2024. Documented approval by the TAD authorizing official is required. 5. Officers interested in the Expeditionary Warfare School course may visit the Marine Corps University web pages at a. Points of Contact: (1) Travel and funding: CAPT Troy McCool (Primary, Expeditionary Warfare School S-1), 703-784-2592, (2) Course related questions: LCDR James Lambert (Expeditionary Warfare School Senior Navy Instructor), 703-432-1321, (3) Deputy Director Expeditionary Warfare School: LtCol Jason Graul, 703-784-1843, (4) Marine Corps University Navy Chair: CAPT Benjamin Miller, 6. Released by VADM J. W. Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development (N7).// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//