CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 231450Z OCT 23 MID120000564347U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 251/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// SUBJ/ACTIVE-DUTY PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/211859ZDEC17// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/041953ZAUG22// REF/E/DOC/SECNAV/24JUL19// REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 304/17, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES. REF C IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF D IS NAVADMIN 176/22, POLICY UPDATE CONCERNING SERVICE-IN-GRADE RETIREMENT ELIGIBILITY FOR ACTIVE DUTY AND TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION FOR RESERVE LIEUTENANT COMMANDERS. REF E IS SECNAVINST 1920.6D, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICERS. REF F IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 01 AUGUST 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 SEPTEMBER 2023 Kim Michael B 2100 CAPTAIN LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 21 JUNE 2023 STAFF 21 JUNE 2023 DOR/EFF DATE 01 NOVEMBER 2023 Arvizo Mylene R 1440 Beaty Scott Cameron 1320 Carrasco Juan Luis 1200 Cha Charles Yoon 1810 Clark Max Arnold II 2100 Gamicchia Raymond J 1110 Johnston Robert William 1830 Killila John Murphy 1120 Levant Todd Spooner 1110 Martin Benjamin John 1310 Nelson Cameron James Lor 2100 Schutt Steven Daniel 2300 Shiels Matthew John 3100 Trippe Leslie Hobbs 2200 William Shawn T 1120 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 SEPTEMBER 2023 Austin Derek Arthur 2100 COMMANDER LINE SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 21 JUNE 2023 DOR/EFF DATE 01 NOVEMBER 2023 Arbogast Steven Michael 1440 Arnold Michael Jacob 1820 Brammer Michael David 1310 Broderick Ryan P 1310 Chiudioni Nicholas David 6200 Dehollan Aurel Nicholas 1200 Dewitt Benjamin C 1830 Geiger Bryan Todd 1310 Hanks Hursel Brian 1320 Humberd Caleb John 1110 Marvin Rebecca Anne Zehr 1110 Mccarthy Gregory A 1710 Mcgeough Ryan Paul 1810 Mclaughlin Michael Alber 1310 Medford Christopher Alle 1520 Mocker Jonathan L 1140 Muhammad Rabb O 1870 Obrien Thomas Joseph 1510 Orfini Michael Patrick 1130 Pfaefflin Michael Aaron 1810 Rotklein Aron Michael 1110 Stefanic Beryl R 1110 Trossevin Timothy S 1310 White Dustin Lloyd 1120 Wilkening George A 1310 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 08 MAY 2023 Pappas John Peter 1110 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 01 MAY 2023 Khalikov Arthur M 1110 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2023 Biethman Adam Wells 1110 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2023 Friedrich Regan Nicole 1110 FY-24 Commander Staff Corps, Lieutenant Commander Line, and Lieutenant Commander Staff Corps Promotion Selection Board results were Senate confirmed on 30 September 2023 and are pending administrative review. FY-24 Lieutenant All-Fully-Qualified-Officer List and Chief Warrant Officer W-5, W-4, W-3 Promotion Selection Board results are approved and pending administrative review. 2. If a selected officer does not decline promotion in writing prior to the projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) within thirty (30) days of the release of this NAVADMIN. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy, or his designee, has the authority to delay projected promotions. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the promotion and not be tendered the promoting appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the notification of delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified in accordance with section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code. In line with reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent Physical Fitness Assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System to ensure compliance with reference (a), as modified by reference (b), and delay the officers promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 of this NAVADMIN, if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) (Rev 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for permanent lieutenants and above. Use section 578 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for chief warrant officers. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) or e-mail via My Navy Career Center at 6. Officers should review references (c) and (d) for minimum time- in-grade (TIG)/service-in-grade (SIG) requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement. (NOTE: TIG/SIG requirements for active-duty LCDR voluntary retirements changed with National Defense Authorization Act 2021; Update to reference (c) is pending.) Training and administration of Reserve officers and those officers temporarily on active duty anticipating release from active duty under reference (e) may accept promotion without incurring any additional active duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (f) for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//